O) Oral

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[Whether he prefers giving oral or receiving it/how skilled he is]

When it comes to oral practices during sexual intercourse, Debito is the kind of man who loves to give it to his partner. Now, of course, he highly enjoys receiving it as well: he loves to feel your tongue wrap around his member, to feel the inside of your mouth as your lips close in on him, sucking him off with fervor while one of his hands holds your head, burying his slender fingers into your scalp. But as much as he loves it when you give him blow jobs, he, in fact, prefers giving oral to you. It isn't really something explainable, as there is no particular reason as to why he prefers it, he just does. You once theorized that he was possibly more into giving oral than receiving it because you were probably lacking experience and the required skills, but after having confessed this thought to him, he had reassured you by telling you it was in no way the case, that you were actually particularly good at it, but that he simply enjoyed giving more than receiving on arousal and excitement levels. He loves every aspect of it, from the way you taste to the way it feels against his mouth; to spread your legs wide open, to hold down your hips, to bury his face close to your crotch, to caress your thighs as he eats you out, to feel your clenched hands hold onto him, to feel your body twitch as he hits the perfect spots, he loves it all. And, of course, so do you. Debito is extremely skilled at giving oral, surely way more skilled than most average men, you're willing to assume and believe. Consequently, when he gives you head, the feeling is simply heavenly: everything about his performance is breathtaking, bringing you yet one stop closer to paradise with each night passing. But whoever gives and whoever receives, you both enjoy oral practices just as much, putting all your passion and desire into everything you both do, into every flick of the tongue, into each and every movement.

Mini Scene

"Damn it!"

Before Debito could react in time, I promptly got up and instantly took off.

"I'll chase after him!" I exclaimed loudly, addressing him although without turning my head.

Then, I dashed to the exit of the establishment and ran through the front doors: rapidly turning my head left and right to spot the criminal and the direction he may have taken, I eventually noticed him some distance away from the casino, running among the busy crowd walking the streets of Regalo. And, without a second thought, I locked onto my target and started running again.

That morning, Debito and I had been spending some time at Isis Regalo, as we most usually did during the day; however, while business seemed to have been going smoothly, a sudden commotion was heard at the poker table, and judging by the figure that had left the casino in a hurry, we deduced it was a player that had cheated and stole some money.

As I ran in his direction, pushing aside the waves of passersby, I progressively closed in on the man, until Debito's figure suddenly appeared in the distance, only a few feet away from him; in only a split second, and with perfect aim, Debito reached for one of his pistols and shot the man's weapon out of his hand, stunning him, long enough to allow me to handcuff him.

From where he was, Debito rested his gun on his head, as if to strike a pose, and stuck his tongue out. And at that moment, I froze.

Whenever he did this, I could never help myself: I knew it was a way for him to show off, but for me, it always acted as a turn-on, as a reminder of how pleasurable our intimate times were, late at night, when it was just the two of us.

"Everything okay, Bambina?"

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Debito, who had made his way to me while I had zoned out rested a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality; and as I stared into his eye, my face turned completely red.

"D-Debito-" I let out as I avoided his gaze. "Don't worry, everything's... perfectly okay-"

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