T) Toys

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[How he feels about toys]

When speaking about sexual intercourse, there are toys of all kinds that exist, which serve various different purposes, for various different practices, allowing for multiple uses of them. However, Debito is not the kind of man who is into any of them: he is simply not a fan of toys and has never really been one, mainly because he has never really seen the appeal to them. Given his broad experience in sexual relationships, he has had the chance to experiment with some toys in the past, but none of them ever really worked on him all that well, resulting in him having a rather neutral feeling towards them as a general concept. When it comes to pleasure and satisfaction, Debito much rather prefers using his own body to make love to his partner, as he does not see the need for any external objects to come into play during the act: in his eyes, his body should be plenty enough to satisfy both himself and his partner. Nevertheless, of course, if his partner was to ever request him the use of one or more toys for one session of sex, he would not refuse, because he would not want to disappoint her, to disappoint you, but do keep in mind that while you may end up finding a liking to it, he, on the other hand, would not necessarily get much pleasure out of it. As such, Debito possesses no toys of his own and never has. However, although he is not fond of using toys with you in bed, something he does enjoy and find a certain pleasure in is the use of props of some sort, especially when they are in relation to kinks: for instance, it has happened more than once by now for Debito to handcuff you during sex using the Isis Regalo handcuffs, when he placed your hands above your head and handcuffed your wrists together, providing him with a sense of control, power, and superiority. Overall, Debito has very neutral feelings towards toys and has no definitive thoughts on them, but maybe it is something that could grow on him over time.

Mini Scene

The evening was nearing its end as the early night came to replace it, painting the sky a dark navy blue color, sprinkling it with shining stars. And Debito and I were both in his bedroom, ready to head off to bed after our long and exhausting day; one part of my brain prayed for our tomorrow to be kinder, less busy, and allowing us to relax more, but the other was thinking about something else entirely.

While I was standing up in the middle of the room, stretching my limbs and yawning softly as I got on the tip of my toes, I turned my head to Debito, who was already in bed, though not yet under the sheets: lying on top of them, positioned sideways, his shirtless, bare chest was just barely visible amidst the darkness reigning throughout the room, illuminated only by his bedside lamp.

All while still staring at him, all while he still lay there, I made my way to the bed with my mind still drifting into various random interrogations and thoughts. Then, I sat down on the mattress before turning around at Debito in a halfway-lying position and looked at him with my head tilted.

"Debito, why do we never... use any kinds of objects when we have sex?" I bluntly asked him out of the blue. "Like... you know, toys?"

He looked back at me with a smug expression, one that was clearly here to tease me.

"Eh? Why are you asking yourselves such questions, Bambina?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Is that perhaps... your indirect way of asking me for a session tonight?"

"No-" I promptly replied with pink cheeks. "I-I mean, not that I'd be against it- But- It's just something I wonder about, is all."

"Well, amore mio, it's not really what I'm into." Debito told me as he scooted over closer to me. "It never crosses my mind to use any for that reason. But..."

As he left his sentence hanging, he leaned yet even closer to me, holding my face by the chin before beaming a charming smile.

"... But if you want us to give it a shot together, I'm willing to do it for you."

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