P) Pace

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[Whether he is fast or slow during sex]

When it comes to speed during sex, Debito is relatively slow. He is of those men who wish to take things slow, to make things last, as long as possible, even if that means all night long: he likes to cherish every word you two exchange, every touch you provide each other, every single second of the act. Now, obviously, this doesn't mean he isn't capable of going at a fast pace. Debito is capable of handling any kind of speed and finds pleasure in all of them, but he does tend to appreciate it more when things are taken slowly, progressively; during most of your intimate and passionate nights, he chooses to adjust to a slow pace, by default. Additionally, of course, he takes into great consideration your opinions and your preferences, never forcing you to go at a specific speed over another, and never switching the pace without making sure it's alright with you first. Consequently, he always listens to you and what you have to tell him, the requests that you have, whatever they may be: whether it's asking you to go slow, moderate, or fast, he will gladly adjust his rhythm to your liking, as they all satisfy him anyway. But, all things considered, at the end of the day, Debito does have a preference for slow-paced intercourse, which allows him to not only feel pleasured for as long as possible, but also to pleasure you for as long as he can, for as long as you want it. And now, now that you're accustomed to living with him, to sharing private, love-filled moments with him, after having gone through so many steamy nights under the sheets with him, you have to admit that his naturally-slow pace is highly enjoyable, allowing the two of you to make every second last longer, to enjoy each other and each other's bodies without feeling this sense of a rush, this sense that you should slow things down to truly feel present in the moment together: you do take the time to slow down, and it makes all the difference.

Mini Scene

It was sensual, it was passionate, it was ardent, it was intense. Yet it was also soft, it was also romantic, it was also loving, it was also gentle. But above everything else, it was slow.

Debito was simply so wonderful at slow-paced sex, it felt as though he was inhuman, out of this world, and that was exactly how making love to him felt, like I was taken somewhere else completely different, a slice of heaven; and that night was no exception, no different than all the other countless pleasurable nights I had had the chance to share with him before.

With Debito lying down on top of me, his body over mine, his figure towering over me in an incredibly arousing way, we moved the sheets all around, all night long, without once taking a break, without once asking for the other to stop: we wanted to keep going, for as long as our bodies would allow us, for as long as we would have the energy for it.

Every one of Debito's thrusts inside of me, every one of his kisses on my lips, every one of his caresses across my body, every one of his words whispered deep inside my ears, they were all so sensual, at such a slow speed yet filled with desire and lust, with feelings that one could not describe with mere words.

And lying under him, my twitching body lying back first onto the mattress, I let him take the lead, dictate the movements, lead the gestures, control it all; I knew how much he loved to keep all things under his control, to do things his way, and it was just fine by me, so I let him be the man he was so proud to be, I let him dominate me, wholly.

From where I was lying, from my perspective, I stared at him. When I was not too busy closing my eyes shut in pleasure, I forced them open to look at him, to look at his face, admiring it with all the various expressions that he shifted between, a window into all the emotions he was feeling inside of him. And between two slow, passionate thrusts, Debito stared back down at me, a smile radiating pure love.

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