U) Unfair

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[How much he likes to tease you]

It's in Debito's nature to have a playboy-like behavior with women, a playful personality that usually leads him to upset the people he meets due to how extroverted and extravagant he is: and since he doesn't always take everything seriously, he loves to joke around, even when he shouldn't, and he never gets tired of provoking others using both his words and his gestures. As a result, Debito is a huge tease with more or less everyone he meets and gets along with and does not hesitate to tease them daily, no matter what context they find themselves in or what the circumstances may be; that is just a part of his smug attitude. He is especially a tease when it comes to his partner, to you, who he simply loves to tease throughout your shared day-to-day life. However, Debito always makes sure to tease you in a way that will not result in grave consequences: when he decides to annoy you, he never does it in a mean way and always has heartfelt intentions. Additionally, Debito is also a tease on a romantic level, as in, to show you he loves you. While he obviously happens to tease you a lot when you two are together in private, it is moreover never an issue for him to act playful with you while you are in front of other people. After all, he knows well that you love to receive it, just as much as he loves giving it to you. Lastly, Debito often teases you on a sexual level as well, and the same rule applies here: he loves to tease you in public, purposefully doing it while other people are around both of you, by whispering lustful words of desire into your ears while his hands and fingers initiate a soft form of foreplay with various touches and gestures across your body. However, Debito makes sure to never tease you in public during inappropriate moments, since he would not want to embarrass you. And when in bed, he loves to tease you as well but never overdoes it for fear of making you feel too frustrated or upset.

Mini Scene

Once inside the casino, I made my way to one of the tables reserved for those who wished to stay away from the gambling tables and relax around a drink, which was exactly what I had intended on doing; sitting down on the U-shaped couch, I put my purse down beside me as I watched a member of the Coins division walk up to me, a tray in hand.

"Here's your order, [Y/N]." The man said with a grin as he set a glass down in front of me.

"Thank you." I told him with a light bow of the head.

I had not ordered anything, but I knew well where it came from: as the girlfriend of their boss, the Coins division gave me the same treatment they gave Debito, always acting politely toward me.

Just as I raised the glass to my lips, I saw Debito approach me, his hands in his pockets.

"Look at you, Bambina." He started with a chuckle. "Living like a queen, eh?"

"I suppose you could say that." I said, chuckling too.

He sat down beside me, close to me, his legs pressed against mine; one of his arms went over my shoulders while the other rested on the table.

"I'm glad you were able to come tonight, amore." He said as he turned to me, smiling charmingly. "And I'm glad you picked this dress..."

I giggled once more, this time feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"I know you like it." I told him as I stared into his eye.

Debito leaned closer to me as he grabbed my chin with two of his fingers.

"I do..." He murmured against my lips before kissing them.

As our lips met, I felt his free hand land on my legs, caressing the uncovered parts of my skin; but Debito must have decided there was not enough surface for his fingers to explore, as he started slipping them under my dress, slowly going up my thighs.

I moaned gently against his lips before I pulled away.

"Debito-" I let out in a whisper.

"Shhh..." He said as he put a finger on my lips.

With a lustful smile, he used his finger to part my lips before leaning close to them once more.

"... Don't let everyone else know what we're doing."

Debito NSFW AlphabetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang