D) Dirty Secret

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[Whether he has an NSFW secret or tells you everything]

Much like in his day-to-day life, Debito rarely hides anything from you when it comes to your shared sex life: as his partner, you get to learn everything there is to know about him, without filters. He doesn't really see the point in hiding one or more dirty secrets from you: in his opinion, it's much better to be upfront about things rather than keeping them for himself. He's very open to discussion regarding whatever it is you two may ever feel the need to talk about on a sexual level, and you can confirm that not once has he ever been bothered by answering some questions you had for him. He would rather tell you all about himself, all about his preferences, about what he likes, dislikes, loves, and hates: by being honest with one another and telling each other everything, he is confident it will help your relationship grow even further, that it will help it flourish even more, and that the two of you will both be satisfied and pleased, the way you should be. He also doesn't mind talking about his past, about his experiences, of which he has plenty; having quite a lot of experience already, he's got quite a lot to tell you about, but this is never an issue for you. You don't mind him being blunt with you and telling you everything. If anything, similarly to him, you prefer things to be this way: by not keeping secrets from one another, you're able to know exactly what you both like and dislike, what to do and what not to do, so that the two of you can have the best sexual relationship possible. And, similarly to him, you also keep no sex-related secrets to yourself, letting him know of everything he would need to know about you. Granted, given the fact you have less experience than him and have gone through fewer relationships, you don't have as much to tell him as he has to tell you. But this is also a good thing, as it allows you to discover yourself and grow along with him.

Mini Scene

"Hey, now-" Debito started with a playful smile, in a low-pitched chuckle. "It's nothing to get upset over, Bambina..."

"Well, for me, it is." I said as I crossed my arms on my chest and pouted.

Chuckling once more, he moved close to me then circled my body with his arms, his skin bare and warm against mine.

"You know everything about me, amore." He continued, still smiling, but this time in a much calmer tone. "If anything, it's something that should make you happy."

"It does, darling, really." I said as I looked away from him, staring at the ceiling above my head instead. "But at the same time, it's honestly rather frustrating at times, because I can never surprise you. I can never feel like I'm... unlocking something in you for the first time, if that makes any sense."

"Yes, love, it makes perfect sense..." He said in a reassuring and calming voice as he nodded slowly.

Debito and I were lying on his bed, under the thick, heavy sheets, in the peaceful silence of his bedroom. It was night; not too early, but not too late either, just the perfect time of night.

The two of us were wearing our night clothes, mine consisting of a tank top and a pair of shorts, while he was shirtless, wearing only a pair of long pants. Although we had slipped under the sheets to find sleep after our long and exhausting day, I was feeling particularly playful, and had wanted to tease Debito a little, enough for the two of us to take things further; not using methods we were both used to, but wishing to use new ways instead. But, much to my disappointment, I had come to the realization that it was close to impossible for me to surprise him, considering how well I knew him and what his overall preferences were.

So here we were, lying next to one another, Debito comforting me while laughing at the situation.

"You know, Bambina, there's still a lot we've never done before..." He whispered on my skin as he pulled me against him. "... And tonight is as good a night as any."

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