E) Experience

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[How experienced he is]

Despite his young age, Debito is a man with quite a considerable amount of experience when it comes to sexual relationships, though it isn't much of a surprising fact, when one knows of his nature and personality. Although he hasn't been in this many romantic relationships with other women, he has dated quite often in the past, his playboy-like behavior leading him to engage in multiple sex-based relationships over time; for instance, he has a rather broad experience when it comes to one-night stands. Additionally, and consequently, he is relatively experienced in the fields of practices, positions, and kinks. This isn't something you mind much or something that makes you feel upset: you know well, better than anyone the way Debito is and the way he's always behaved around women, and knowing about his past experiences doesn't anger you, nor does it make you jealous. And that is precisely because you know he no longer seeks the touch of other women and now sticks to you only. However, in comparison to you, it's a certain fact that Debito is much more experienced than you, in most fields regarding sexuality, especially considering you are even younger than he is, and so have not had the chance to experience as much as he has. Nevertheless, this is also not something you are bothered by, as it allows you to gain experience in bed by his hand, with his help, and this only further strengthens the bond of your couple. Debito knows his way around the sheets, around your body, and under most circumstances, he knows well what he's doing; and he's always willing to lend you a hand, to guide you through it all, to help you practice, to make you learn new things, and to overall help you grow more experienced. Thanks to all of his experience, the two of you are able to please one another just the way you both respectively like it, finding complete satisfaction in the process and only running into very few rare inconveniences.

Mini Scene

"So, amore mio, how did you like it?"

Hearing Debito's voice suddenly echo within my ear made me open my eyes and pulled me out of my sleepy state.

"... Hmm?" I mumbled in an interrogative tone.

I would have been a little ashamed to admit it, but I had already started to fall asleep when Debito asked me his question. The two of us were lying on his bed, under the warm and heavy sheets, our almost-naked bodies resting against each other, and the overall atmosphere floating in the room around us made me want to drift off into sleep right away. But I knew Debito always enjoyed when the both of us exchanged a few words after each time we made love, so I fought against my drowsiness and tried my best not to close my eyes again.

"What I made you try for the first time." He answered in a whisper, his mouth still so close to my ear. "How did you like it, Bambina?"

As I replayed in my mind how our night had gone, how Debito introduced me to a couple of new things, I yawned weakly as I snuggled yet even closer to him, to his bare and slightly sweaty chest which radiated heat.

"Oh, I liked it— A lot—" I awkwardly replied, feeling my cheeks turn a deep shade of pink, which was thankfully invisible to him at that moment.

"Eh, really?" He rhetorically asked me in a playful tone. "Because your face seemed to say otherwise..."

"What about my face?" I asked back as I looked up at him.

"I saw the face you made when I positioned you on the bed, amore." He said with a teasing grin. "I could tell it caught you by surprise, given the way you looked at me."

I sensed my face grow even more flushed as I stared at him before I lowered my gaze back down at his torso.

"Well, it was my first experience doing this, so of course I was a little surprised." I told him in an attempt to defend my honor and dignity.

With a low chuckle, Debito circled my body with his arms and held me tight, before he kissed the top of my head.

"It's okay, love. I have experience for the two of us."

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