W) Weird Fact

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[A weird NSFW fact about him]

One undeniable fact is that there is something extremely unique to Debito, something only he possesses, while also sharing it with others, including you, and that is his Arcana powers, granted to him by the Tarocco. His contract is with the card The Hermit, of which the stigmata is on his left ankle, hidden from the eyes of everyone, and with this power comes two abilities: Tra Coppo Scomparire, or Disappear Among Tiles, which allows him to turn himself invisible, and Odio Freddo, or Cold Hatred, which allows him to summon raining shards of ice to attack with. As someone who spends most of your days around Debito, you have come to notice that he does not activate his abilities often, not even during battles, which you found odd at first, but you quickly understood that it is part of his personality; he does not like relying on his Tarocco and prefers relying on his own skills, namely the use of his twin pistols. Additionally, Debito does not really have a use for his abilities on a day-to-day basis, primarily because they are not handy abilities for everyday life, unlike Pace's boost of strength, for instance. However, he does use them nonetheless, especially his power of invisibility, which he uses to disappear every now and then without leaving a trace, having become the usual reason behind his sudden absences; he also happens to use it in the weirdest contexts and under the oddest circumstances, such as whenever he uses it on you, to tease you and play around. And, furthermore, Debito would not be himself if he had not come up with a sexual way to use it as well: he likes to have a bit of fun turning invisible and toying with you, whether it be in public or private, by giving you secret touches, unseen to everyone but felt by you. One afternoon, while you were busy reading on his bed, he snuck into the room quietly, remaining invisible as he began to touch your body, until you realized what was going on.

Mini Scene

It was early in the morning, so Isis Regalo was relatively quieter and calmer than how loud and lively it was the rest of the day; nevertheless, it was still bustling with energy and entertainment. The gambling tables were starting to fill up, but the poker table was already full, with only one empty seat. And with a deep exhale, I looked around me in hopes of spotting him.

"I don't get it..." I whispered to myself. "He said he'd go get us some drinks, but since he headed for the bar, he's nowhere to be seen..."

Just as I turned my head to scan another corner of the room, a Coins member stood before me, looking down at me with a smile.

"Is something the matter, [Y/N]?"

"Oh, hum, it's... it's Debito, I can't seem to find him." I replied a little awkwardly.

"Oh, has the boss disappeared again?" He asked rhetorically with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't be gone for long."

And with that, the subordinate walked away, leaving me to sigh once more.

"Well, I suppose I'll just wait for him to come back..." I murmured.

But the second I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a firm yet gentle hand land on my thigh, which made me twitch in surprise. And as the fingers started to go up and down my leg, I could clearly feel the fabric of the glove around the palm, leading my face to turn red.

"Debito, darling, it's way too early for this-" I let out quietly, assuming he was close enough to me to hear me.

Without knowing for a fact whether he had heard me or not, Debito's hand kept on caressing my skin under the table, his fingers slowly slithering underneath my skirt as I tried to keep my composure.

"... Miss [Y/N]?" The dealer suddenly called out to me, making me snap back to reality. "I asked you whether you wished to wait for Mr. Debito to come back to play or wished to start playing now."

As I grew even more flushed, I cleared my throat and my ears perceived a faint scoff, just beside me on the empty seat.

"I-I think I'll be sitting this one out..."

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