Why am I here?

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The bible says we were bought at a price. By the shedding of our Savior's blood Jesus Christ we have liberty to be called the people of God. As many as were called by him, give he them the power to become the sons of God.

This is a question we commonly ask ourselves. Along with "why did I have to end up here? I'm a mistake."
No you're not, God saw you before you were even born and has destined you for greatness, you are here for a purpose and not by mistake. God is not man that he should repent and make mistakes but because we are mere mortals, humans, we fail him each day. I cannot boast about the things I do for Christ but I can boast of his unfailing love and mercy towards me. He created you because he saw something special in you that you yourself don't see. Deep calleth unto deep, the Lord has invested something special and extra ordinary inside of each of us. Haven't you ever heard someone sang and they sound so much like an angel, and someone danced like David danced.
Yes we are all gifted and full of talents and should use them to glorify God.
No matter if you doubt and say you have no talent, that's not true. Its buried inside waiting to shine out.
Remember Jesus loves you and has brought you here to accomplish a very important task, a task that nobody else was given but you.

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