How do I balance my Life?

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As the time has advanced so much that being a christian becomes so hard due to the pressure and the things of this world. Let not the things of the world come between you and God. You can balance your life simply by try making more time for God, the time you would spend on gadgets you could read your bible. Try praying and reading your bible at least everyday,sounds hard, at least one scripture and just meditate on it. It happens to everyone though, we all become distracted by different things, but the Lord loves when we sacrifice the things we love so much for him. That's why in the bible it says to deny yourself. Denying yourself means being in total submissson to Christ and putting our needs aside for his glory.

If you realise that you are being too caught up with something, just pray and ask the Lord to help. A simple little prayer like this would do:

Dear Jesus,
I come to you today acknowledging that I have been distracted by some things in my life, and please forgive me. Help me Lord to make you the main priority of my life,my heart and my thoughts in Jesus name amen.

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