Am I Really Special?

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Each and everyone us is special. Girls are more likely to feel unaccepted by others. I myself is a teen, so I understand how you might feel. When I was in the sixth grade, the other students and the persons around me made me felt so bad about my height. I would feel so out of place from the other pupils, but now in my teenage years I have grown to accept the person God made me as and try to please myself.
So no matter how bad or unpleasant others might make you feel, that still doesn't change the fact that you are special, unique, one of a kind and there's nobody else like you.
Have you ever stop to notice that we all have different physical shapes, height, tone, and races? That's how unique our Lord is. You might have short hair, and you might even have a birth mark that covers half of your face, you're no less of a person than anyone else. Love you, be you, and do you.
Sounds weird?
Well, just simply love the person God made you as, you'll be too busy being you than wanting to be like somebody else.

You were wonderfully made

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