Should I Forgive?

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We tend to wonder within ourselves, if we should forgive and move on. Yet, it's not so easy to do, but with the help of Jesus you can do it, you can overcome the burden of unforgiveness. If there is someone in your life that have wronged you, just take a moment out if your time and tell them what they have done. Don't keep it up in your heart its not healthy. Why carry a heavy load of unforgiveness in your heart because of someone and that person is walking freely and enjoying life, no don't allow it to steal your joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
If you are struggling with un- forgiveness just pray about it, Jesus cares all about you and you can even talk to a trusted friend. You should forgive, what about all the times we sinned against God and we humbly approach his throne asking for more mercy and grace. We have to forgive to be forgiven, the bible says it. When you bring your gift to the alter and you and your brother did not resolve the problem,leave your gift and go to your brother.
It is the will of God that we live in peace,unity and love. United we stand strong but divided we fall mightily.

Let go the person out of your heart.Forgive someone today.

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