Why Must we face Trials?

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As Christians we have to go through some fiery trial and experience hardship. It's not to break you but to make you come out stronger.
You might be wondering, "How can this make me better" the Lord knows what he doing when he cause us endure such things. Each of us bear different crosses but don't we need help bearing them?
Of course,that's why the bible says to bear one another's burden because the Lord knows that we need help in going through our different circumstances. Your cross may be different from mine, the purpose of you facing trials in your life is not to overwhelm you, but because the Lord has a calling on your life, has a purpose for you to fulfil, all of us have a purpose and in order for you to reach that level in God, you have through go through some hard times.
Sometimes the Lord has to take away some of the things that you love the most to get your attention. You might be in a state in your life that seems like things will never get better and everyday it seems as if it gets harder and harder to even trust God and even feel like giving up,but just hold on some more alright,God is gonna come through for you. I know how it deeld , when all of your friends forsake you, you're left on your own and your days are filled with pure unhappiness. The Lord will be there right by your side to uphold you when you're down.

Be encouraged.

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