How will I know my Friends?

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As people we have to interact with each other and most times we hold some people so close and dear to us, and we call those persons "friends." 

Being friends with someone isn't just about sharing; but its also about trust and loyalty. If you don't have both trust and loyalty in your friendship how can you really call that person your friend if you don't know anything about them?

If you know your friends so well, you should be able to know when he/she is hurting, experiencing a moment of sadness and when they are happy.
Friendship is not just a title but its something you share, a friend should be able to see the tears in your eyes when nobody else does and it is not determined by how long u know the person.

- You will know if that person will give your their last

- You will know if that person shows care and affection

- You will know, when you are about to do something really insane and a pal will say no don't do it

- You will know, if the person respects and accepts you for who you are

The first step in friendship is acceptance. Do you agree?
When you just meet a person that knows nothing about you, but comes  around and see your BAD colours and still stick around that's a friend in deed. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not, because there are people who are out there, that will love you for who you are. Most of all, Jesus loves you and accepts you.
We are flesh and blood so we fail and sin each day we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity that's why Christ came. Most of all because God knows how imperfect we are, but when you can find a person who loves,accepts,respects,cherishes you for who you are, you have found yourself a rare treasure.

As well as,a friend will be present in your times of trouble. They will stand by you and pray for you. No matter what mistake you have made, a friend will encourage and uplift you through it all and will not judge you.
Let the lord lead you and direct you to the right persons.

Let the Lord choose for you today.

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