Why Do we have Doubt?

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It's easier to doubt than to believe isn't it?
When we can't see it with our natural eyes or feel it, we tend to easily disbelieve, just like a well-known doubter mentioned in the bible; doubtful Thomas.
As Christians we believe in a God that's omnipotent, omniscient and all powerful, all knowing and Almighty. Yet, we doubt, most of not all of us are guilty of doubt. Sometimes it might be a financial breakthrough that you're waiting for where the Lord would just open up the flood gates of heaven and just bless you abundantly it might be that future partner(husband or wife) or even that new house that you've been praying for and because you've been praying so long and seeking God so much, that you become doubtful that he will answer your prayers. It may be long but its worth the wait. Even academically speaking, you might have wanted to attend a specific university or college and your parents don't have the money, pray earnestly and wait and trust God that he will make a way. Having doubt won't make the situation any better, it only surrounds your mind with negativity. The more positive stuff you surround yourself with, is the more optimistic you will become. So that energy that you would have used being doubtful, use it up being positive, being optimistic, being a firm believer, being encouraged by his promises and most of all having faith. Our faith has a lot to do with our believe in God. If you don't have a strong faith, then you will be easily wavered and discouraged which will cause you to have doubt. Now, doubt is this thing that causes you to disbelieve or have an uncertainty lack of conviction, which is a sin. So be encouraged, whatever it is that you've been praying or fasting for, beluve it and it shall he yours.

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