Is it weird I have no Friends?

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Look at the prophets and people of God in the bible, some of them had no friends. Not everyone will have friends and it's perfectly normal not to have any. Friends will come and friends will go, some come to stay permanently while some temporarily.
Don't be sad if you feel lonely, find ways in which you can enjoy your time being alone. Some are meant to walk alone, maybe if you had a friend, that friend would have caused you to do and participate in some stuff that are extremely dangerous and wrong.
Everything happens for a reason, don't you think so?
I know I do, and for everything there's a season. It might not be in the Lord's timing for that friend to arrive in your life. So, for now just jeep praying abs waiting for the Lord won't with-hold any good from anyone that loves him and keep his commandments.
You might know people that are so popular and everyone loves to be around them. For some urs because of what the person has Or how much they can obtain from that person, the motives are wrong, but when you wait on the Lord your reward is sure. Be of good cheer,be happy, be encouraged.

You have a brother that sticketh closer than a brother.

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