What's Next?

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Not all of us actually take a moment and really think deep into the thoughts and plans that we have for the future.
Especially when you have completed high school and is planning to move onto college, for some their thoughts are not yet fully gathered to know what they actually want out of life. If you are one of them, just take this moment,slow down, and stop to think about the things that you want to acheive in this life time. Don't forget, while doing so always remember to put Christ first then everything else after.
After graduating from high school, you have now turned to the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Then onto college, in college a lot of persons end up following friends and giving into peer pressure, falling into diverse of lust, forgetting that they are Christians. Always try to stand up for what is right, don't bow to the plans of the adversary(the devil) just like the three Hebrew boys. As well as for some, they are still struggling between many opinions, but just remember God has already planned out your life, the way he wants it to go it's just for you to walk in his ways.
In life there will come upon you, many obstacles and challenges, just like in the Olympics, when the person on the track is running, don't they have to jump over every single hurdle that is set before them in order to become the winner?
Its the same with you being a Christian, you just have to jump over every problem, jump over every trial, jump over every pain , jump over every bad situation, just jump over them all and when you have done so, you will come out victorious. It may seem hard to make it out there in that cold and dark world,but with Jesus you can conquer anything.

Be blessed.

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