Should I End It All?

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Don't let giving up be apart of your plan, neither think about suicide.

Whatever it is in your life that you are struggling with, the lord is able to deliver and rescue you out of your raging sea, no matter how overwhelming it seems.
Don't let giving up be apart of your options, its not the will of God for you to give in. Sometimes its just a test in which we all have to go through, but when you endure to the end your reward will be great. Don't just throw in the towel and give up, as young Christians we will face trials and tribulations of different sorts but as I have been encouraged so I encourage you as well. Whenever you feel like you're sinking or drowning in the pressures of life, that's when Jesus is right there with you to hold you. It won't be easy,it never will,but when Christ is with you, you can do anything.
You are more than conquerors through Christ which strenghtheth you. As teenagers it's so easy for us to give up, because when you need someone the most to help and uplift you, nobody is there, it happens. Some of you may understand what I'm saying and maybe you have gone through that.
Just remember don't give up on Jesus because he won't give up on you,he's able.

Be blessed.

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