Can I ever Get Back Up?

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We all fall, everyone make mistakes in their lives, the bible says that there is not anyone that is righteous that hath not sin, so everyone has. Sometimes persons make a mistake in their life, leaving them feeling remorseful and sorry, don't be so hard on yourself you have hope in Christ Jesus. Yes, even Christians, they too fall. For some, they walked away from church and get entangled in the worldly lust and sin, some didn't live to go back to church while some gained mercy to go back. No matter how far you have walked away from God, how much you have sinned, and how much mistakes you made. Yes you can get back up. Its simple, just approach the Lord and tell him all about the mistakes you have made and repent of your sins, by asking him for forgiveness.

No matter how great you think your sin is, Jesus is able to make a message out of your mess, make glory out of your story, make a testimony out of your test. Just like Joseph when the devil wanted Joseph to die in prison, he found favour in the King's sight due to his ablilty to interpret dreams. What the devil meant for bad, God meant for good. The lord has a plan, just like when you're building a house you have a blueprint for the foundation right?
Its the same with us, when the Lord has planned out the way he wants your life to operate, you stray from it and that's when the completion of the foundation is hindered. You can do it, you can make it, you can renew your vows with the Lord, you can even be that encouragement to someone else through your testimony. Jesus loves you very much, and is waiting on you to return to him, go now, before its too late.

Jesus is waiting for your return, just like

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