How Can I win the Battle inside?

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Sometimes individuals are faced with different battles in which they are fighting inside. It may even be long ago failures and guilts that just popped up out of no where. Those same guilt and failures can even become a struggle in your life,not physically, but mentally. You just have to read the word of God( the bible) meditate upon it and apply it to your life. The bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue, so when you know the bible, you will speak the words from the bible over your life, it sounds simple, but will create a massive impact in your life. You have to speak the word:

Who the Son set free is free indeed

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever beliveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I am the head and not the tail

Whatever battle you are fighting on the inside,even in your mind, Jesus knows about it, the devil cannot read your mind, only God can. Just allow the Lord to fight your battle for you. It will become frustrating and will cause you to think that nobody cares, but Jesus cares. Each of every battle a child of his have to fight, he wants to help them fight it. You are not alone, just as Elisha said there is more with you than those with them. The lord is on your side, just give it all to him and he'll so the rest for you.

The best hands to be in, is in the master's hands.

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