What Can I do When I feel alone?

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The lord will never leave you nor forsake you. We all feel a little sad and gloomy at some pointed time which leads into a state of loneliness. Most of all we all deal with it differently. When I feel sad I would maybe draw some cartoons and even pray. At times in the bible when Jesus was alone, he would pray to his father.
For some they cry
For some they write
Everyone deals with it differently.
When you feel alone, just grab for that bible and read a few scriptures and meditate upon them. As well as do something that will push you into a state of happiness. Like your hobby or something you enjoy doing. Don't just sit there and cry and feel sorry for yourself. Get up, shake off that feeling with some prayer, with some reading of the bible, with some inspirational readings. Be reminded m, the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter how alone you feel, he's right there with you. Find joy in the Lord and you can even ask him for a friend if you like. This is the opportunity you should use to develop a closer relationship with the Lord and get to know him better for yourself.

You're not alone and if ever anyone of you feel that way, I'm here for you.:)God bless you all. Please comment and vote, wiykd be appreciated.

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