Introduction: The Birth of Aziz

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The morning sun was starting to arose on into the most important day for the Pridelanders, as that word has spread throughout of the outskirts of Africa that someone special was being presented at Pride Rock. 

One by one, each of the African herds came through every inch of their beings to commemorate the special event. 

Each of the animals was buzzing with excitement to see this special moment, as a red-billed hornbill flew overhead of the herds as he landed bowed to respect his loyal ruler of the Pridelands, Scar. 

The black lion smiled at his royal advisor, as he was absolutely thrilled of that he can attend this special occasion, as he was not presenting himself as not just a king, but a father to his newborn cub to acknowledge the kingdom of its future ruler once he has passed. 

As the mighty king look onward, he saw a family friend that served his family since he can remember, a mandrill came through the massive crowd to see his old friend. 

Once he went to the top, the two animals embraced each other, as that he turns over to the Pride as that he saw his beautiful wife, Sarabi, with their precious newborn girl. 

He walks over to her, as that the cub's mother licks the newborn to wake the little cub from its slumber. 

The cub looks over as the mandrill makes a small mark to symbol to make it official. 

The king was astonished by the roaring commotion, but there was only one animal who didn't attend the birth presentation of his daughter's birth, and wonders if it was something to do with their past. 

"I really hope that Mufusa attended this. I couldn't blame him for not having the heir, but I do promised Mother and Father that I would cherish this land and our family. " Scar thought in his mind. 

AN: This is my AU of the Lion King, but it will have some ocs. Aziz is the role of Simba. Please enjoy her story. 

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