Chapter 20: Aziz's Return

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Timon and Pumbaa was sleeping in their bed, as they were fast asleep, unaware of Kaku's appearance. 

Apparently, Kaku felt really bad that he had argued with Aziz, and he searched for her to apologize but he couldn't find her anywhere in the jungle, despite the fact that the jungle was the new place that he hasn't been to before, and that he knew there was a duo who knew Aziz better than he does, since they raised her since she left Pride Rock. 

The young lion noticed the sleepy duo as that he approached the meerkat with a pat to wake him up. 

"Timon, hey. Hey, wake up." He said to the meerkat as the meerkat wakes up to see him as he was startled and both of them scream . 

Kaku realized his mistake as that he didn't mean to scare them. "Whoa, hey, calm down, it's just me. Sorry if I startle you." 

The meerkat sighs in relief as he scolds him, "Kaku, don't ever scare us like that again! Geez, one of these days, i'm going to get a heart attack." 

The lion said, "I did say sorry, but Timon, have you and Pumbaa have seen Aziz?"

The meerkat asked, "Wait, I thought she was with you? Did you look for her?"

The lion concurred, "I did, but I don't know this place. I thought that you guys would help me find her." 

That is when Rafiki pops up, "Oh, you wouldn't find her here. The queen has return." 

The sparkle in Kaku's eyes widen as he realized of what the baboon had meant. "I can't believe it. 

Aziz has decided to go back! This is unbelievable!" 

"Gone back? You mean she travelled to your homeland?" Pumbaa asked, as he walks towards Kaku. 

The lion nods, "Yes. She has the will to fight against Mufusa, her uncle, who is still reigning." 

Timon said, "It's not going to be an easy feat. We have to get moving. Do you know how to get to your homeland?"

"Sure. I can lead you guys to the Pridelands, it's not a problem at all." 

Aziz ran through the desert, as the sand was being consumed by her running home, back to her family she had left behind. 

The lioness couldn't bear what she would see since she had to leave her home when she ran away as a cub. 

As she arrives, all she saw was horrifying for her to see. Kaku was right all along. All she saw was caraus of dead animals, the land was barren. 

As the lioness went to a ledge, she saw all the landscape that she once knew as a cub has become a distant memory. 

The time she had spent as a cub with Kaku, was echoing through the shadowlands. She felt ashamed that she let Mufusa done this to her home. 

In the midst of it, there in the middle of that wasteland, was Pride Rock. The home where her family still stands. 

She knew that her brother was there, made her felt nervous of seeing him as a young adult since the last time she saw Zuko was a cub, on the day their father died on the stampede. 

As she was lost in total thought on that fatal day, she heard a familiar voice approaching her. "Aziz, wait up!" 

Kaku had arrived as the lion asked her, "It's awful, isn't?"

"Kaku, I didn't want to believe you at first. I'm so sorry I yelled at you." 

"I know. I want to apologize to you too. I don't know how you were truly feeling about the stampede, it must've triggered you some PSTD. So, what make you decide to come back after all this time?" 

"Well, I got a stern counsel with my papa and Rafiki. That baboon gave me a bump to realize that i do have my past sooner or later. 

Besides, this is my kingdom after all. I have a lot to make up for just for running away. If I don't fight for it, who would fight?"

Kaku said, "I would." 

The lioness turns her head at his answer. "Kaku, it might be dangerous." 

He smirks at the young lioness, "Hm, I do recall a certain cub who said this: "Danger? Ha! I laugh in the face of danger. HA Ha Ha!" Does that ring any bells?"

She blushes as Timon suddenly said, "C'mon , this isn't a time to be joking in a place like this." 

She was surprised that her adoptive fathers were in the Pridelands . "Timon, Pumbaa, what you guys doing here?"

Pumbaa bowed in respect, "At your service, your majesty!" 

Timon walks over as he glances over at the sight of the land, "So, this is your homeland, the Pridelands? This looks horrible." 

"It will be back to normal as soon we fight for it. Timon, this is my home, I have to defend it." Aziz said. 

Timon knew that he couldn't stop her from doing what needs to be done. 

"Aziz, you can always rely on us when you need help. Besides, this is what you want to do, let's defend your home from your uncle." 

Kaku smiled as he ask, "Ready to get going? I bet Zira and the lionesses have left for the day, so they have a bit of surprise in store for them." 

Aziz said, "Ok, let's go home." 

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