Chapter 15: A fated Reunion

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Timon and Pumbaa was in the jungle, as they were always were, as the know that they had nothing to fear. 

Timon was singing a song that he used to sing to Aziz when she was growing up, "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight! 

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight!" 

But he wasn't aware that his companion has left him because of a nearby bug that the warthog hasn't seen in a while has shown up, and he desperately wants to eat it. 

"Uh, Pumbaa, where did you go?" The meerkat asked when he finally notices the warthog wasn't by his side. 

At the same moment, the warthog followed the little bug all the way out of the jungle, as he smacks his lips to get the satisfaction of his hungry stomach. 

As he gazes at the bug, it flew away, as in the distance, Kaku sees the warthog, getting ready to attack. 

The moment they locked eyes at each other, the warthog realizes that he was in mere danger. 

"Ahh!" He screams as the lion runs for his prey. Pumbaa runs for his life, as Timon hears the screams of his friend. "What's going on?!?"

As the chase continues, Pumbaa runs until he was stuck on a tree stump as he was in a panic mode of the lion chasing him. 

The meerkat saw the warthog, "Pumbaa, what you done this time?" 

"Timon, i'm in major trouble! He's going to eat me!" He explains in fear, as the meerkat asked, "Who's going to eat you?" 

He notices Kaku approaching fast, as that the meerkat said, "Whoa, you're not kidding! Geez, why do you always want me to get you out of your messes?!? Move as fast you ca-" 

The two animals weren't quick enough to escape, but Aziz went into the attack, as that she heard her friends in trouble. 

Timon was relieved to see her, "It's all right, she has come to save us. Go, defend us with all your might!" 

The two lions fought as they did, she didn't want to lose, as that as she pins the lion down, it dawns on her of who her attacker was. 

The person that she never thought she would see again. "It can't be... Kaku?"

Kaku got off the lioness, as he stumbles backwards, as that it was the first time of hearing her voice. 

"Is... is that you, Kaku? Is it really you?" She asked, wanting to confirm it was her childhood best friend. 

He gazes into her eyes as he wasn't sure of who this lioness might be. "Who are you, and how you know me? 

Have we met before?"

"Kaku, it's me. Don't you recognize me, i'm Aziz. We used to go to the Elephant Graveyard when we last saw each other." 

"Aziz, is it truly you? Am I dreaming?" He asked, she nods, very excitedly, as Kaku couldn't believe it. 


The lions embraced one other, "I can't believe you're here. Aziz, you looked so beautiful!" 

"You're not too bad yourself." 

Timon was confused as the lions continued their conversation, "I thought I wouldn't see you again, this is incredible! This is your home all this time?"

"Sure is! This is so unexpected, I mean, whoa!" 

Timon yells, "Could someone please explain to us what is happening here?!?"

Kaku looks so confused by the meerkat as he ask, "Um, who are you?"

Aziz realized that this is the first time that Timon and Pumbaa meet anyone from Pride Rock, and never heard of the place she once called home to. 

"Oh, right. He doesn't know who you and Pumbaa are. I didn't know that you guys would meet like this. 

Pumbaa, did Kaku scare you off? I'm so sorry that if he did. C'mon, get over here." 

The warthog managed to get himself off from the stump. "Timon, Pumbaa, this is my best friend from my homeland, the Pridelands. This is Kaku. 

Kaku, this is Timon and Pumbaa. They were the ones who rescued me and raised me here in the jungle all this time. 

If it weren't for them, I would've been in major trouble." 

Kaku said, "Wow. I think I should give you both my gratitude. Did Aziz cause trouble to the both of you?"

"Never. She's an incredible child growing up. She's a pleasure to be around, Kaku." Pumbaa reassures him. 

Aziz blushed, as that Timon said, "So, you two grew up together? Geez, you could've told us that you were a childhood best friend, not a predator stalking a prey like that! You scared both of us to the core!" 

The lioness said, "Timon, settle down. Kaku didn't mean to what he did. It's all right, so just drop the subject." 

Kaku said, " Wait until everyone learns that you been here, Aziz. Your family missed you, we all do." 

"I don't know. Mufusa is the king isn't he?"

"Yeah, he told us about the stampede. Kuzo has become a young headstrong lion, just like you were. " 

Hearing about her brother amazed her, as that Kaku realize something else. "Wait, Aziz, if you're alive all this time, doesn't this mean that you are the true heir of the Pridelands, the Queen?"

Timon repeated, "The Queen?!? Kaku, you can't be serious about that. Aziz isn't the queen." 

"The queen? Your majesty!" Pumbaa bows down, as Aziz said, "Stop bowing down to me, it's creepy." 

"Yeah, she isn't the queen, aren't ya?" Timon asked. 



"Kaku, I'm not the queen. Maybe I was, but it was the long time ago." 

"What ever happened to the cub who can't wait to be queen?" He asked, as he remembers the time they spend together. 

"She grew up." She replied, as Kaku ran off, as Aziz turns to her companions, "Timon, Pumbaa, is it ok for me to spend time with Kaku alone? I really want to spend time with him as he is here." 

"Sure... you really care for him." The meerkat said, as the warthog sighs. 

The lioness looks for the lion everywhere, as she found him sitting all alone. He seems upset, as that the lioness sat next to him. 

"Your friends seems nice. You really are different than we were cubs." 

"Timon and Pumbaa, they are good friends. You'll learn to love them, as much I did." Aziz said, as Kaku looks away from her. 

"Kaku? What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"

"It's like you're back from the dead. Honestly, you disappeared, pretended to be dead for all this time. 

You don't know this changes everything. What this mean for the Pridelands, what it meant for me." 

"Hey, I'm so sorry that I made you worry. Everything is ok, Kaku. I assure you." 

He muzzled her, which she didn't suspect, as he said, in a soften tone, "I really missed you, Aziz." 

She smiled as that this is what Zazu had meant when they were cubs. They were beginning to fall in love. 

"I missed you too, Kaku. More than you ever imagined. " 

Aziz couldn't wait to show her friend around her childhood home. "C'mon, Kaku, let us be cubs again, just for a little while. I want to show you around this place." 

Kaku blushes, "S-Sure. Lead the way, Aziz." 

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