Chapter 21: Aziz's realization

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Kaku led his friends to Pride Rock, and they hid behind a ledge. There was a hoard of hyenas hanging around, that it seems likely that it would be a big disadvantage of a chance for Aziz to confront her uncle. 

Timon shivers of seeing the hyenas, as the meerkat said, "Great. Hyenas, why would anything be worse than Hyenas?!?

So, Aziz, do you have any plans to get past all those hyenas?" 

Aziz said, looking at her adoptive father, "Yep, sure do. Live bait." 

Timon said, "Good idea!" But he realized of what she meant by her suggestion, as that he thought that was a bad one instead. 

"Aziz, c'mon, you realize that would be a bad idea if things go wrong?!?"

"Timon, c'mon, you and Pumbaa are great with improv distractions. I trust you with you two handling those guys while Kaku and I go on ahead." 

"Oh, gee, you really want me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?"

Timon: Halu! If you want a treat, I have one for you, here, eat my friend, Pumbaa, he's a real treat, all you need to do is to get in line!

Are you hungry? For some bacon! He's a big pig, you can be a big one too!" 

Both of them scream for their lives as that they were chased by them. Aziz and Kaku sigh as that they are grateful that the distraction worked. 

"Man, I hope that Timon wouldn't be too mad at that." Kaku said, as that Aziz reassures the lion, "Awe, don't be so worried about those two. They faced worse when they raising me in the jungle. 

Kaku, I want you to find my family and assemble the lionesses. I will look for Mufusa." 

They went through their separate ways. Kaku saw Zuko with his mother. "Zuko! I'm back!" 

"About time! I was worried. " 

The lion turns around to look for Sarabi. "Where's your mother?"

"Yeah, about that-" Zuko said, as Mufusa's voice boomed through the lands, "SARABI!!!! "

At the same moment, Aziz was nearby as that she saw her mother walking through to Pride Rock, as that the lioness was sad to see her mother after been away for so long. 

Kaku looks at the young prince, "Zuko, please, you and the lioness have to come with me." 

"Why? Why is it so important that we band together?"

"Because the true heir has return. Your sister has come home." Kaku said, letting the revelation of his sister's whereabouts. 

"Are you sure it's really my sister? How you could be so certain?" Zuko asked, as that he saw a unknown lioness nearby. 

In the same moment while the two lions were talking, Sarabi stand tall as that she had heard the ruthless tyrant summoned her as that she knew that he wasn't pleased by what the lands had become because of his rule of lions and hyenas combined as one. 

The hyenas barked at her as the headstrong queen stands before the reigning king. "You summoned me, Mufusa?"

"Yes, why would your lionesses not doing their job in hunting with Zira? She is struggling. " 

"Mufusa, please do understand. The lands are barren, and all the herds had moved on." The queen said.

"No! You aren't looking hard enough!" He spats, as that the queen sighs, that the lion truly hasn't changed. 

The Lion King AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin