Fifty one

271 10 2

Cassie didn't expect to see Tyler standing at her driveway waiting for her to appear early the next morning. She wondered how long he had been there for.

She had gotten up a bit earlier than usual so that she could stop in a cafe to grab some coffee . She was wrecked and she had gotten barely any sleep. She needed something to wake her up.

She took in a deep breath preparing what yo say to him in her head before walking down her porch. She noticed the serious look on his face straight away.

"Hey, what's up?" She said nervously as she unlocked her bike. "We need to talk." Tyler said not even blathering to say hello back.

"Yeah, we do." Cassie assumed her was speaking about last night. "Listen Tyler , you're a great guy and I do like you." Cassie was trying to remember the explanation she had in her head last night but her mind was complete blank.

"But, my life is messy and I don't think I should be in a relationship while I'm still trying to figure out me." Cassie had no idea where she was going with this. "We can't be anything more than friends Tyler, not right now."

"Fine." He didn't seem bothered that Cassie didn't want to be with him. Cassie now knew he was definitely not here to talk about the kiss.

"That's perfect. I'll be on my way then." Cassie was about to hop on her bike and speed away .
"What happened to Mason?" Cassie was lucky she hadn't been on her bike yet or else she probably would have fallen over.

"What?" She said freezing. "He's dead. And I want you to tell me what happened." Tyler began walking towards Cassie. "Sorry, but I don't know." Cassie lied pretending to be clueless.

"Then let me tell you." Tyler said looking down at her with an angry expression on his face. "Stefan and his brother Damon killed him." Tyler paused. "Because they're vampires. Just like you."

"Who told you this?" Cassie had no idea who would tell him. The only people that knew what happened was the group and Damon. But none of them would ever tell Tyler the truth.

"Is it true?" Tyler said not answering her question. "You need to let me explain." Cassie spoke as calm as possible. "Did you know he was dead the entire time?" Tyler was getting even more angry.

"Tyler listen to me." She said trying to calm him down . "Did you know?" He spoke a lot louder making Cassie flinch. Cassie just bit her lip and locked down.

Tyler knew her answer by the look on her face. "Ty..." she didn't get to say anything else before she was slammed against a nearby tree. Tyler had a tight grip on her shirt as he pushed her against the tree.

"I'm sorry Tyler." She apologised not fighting back. "I trusted you." His eyes turned an amber colour for less than three seconds before he let go of her shirt and stormed off quickly before she could speak again.



Cassie sat down on her couch waiting for Stefan's reply impatiently. Her phone buzzed next to her .


On my way.

It didn't take long for Stefan to arrive. A few minutes after her replied there was sa loud knock on her door. It was rare for Cassie to have any visitors so she knew it was Stefan straight away.

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