Reaction 1

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1. Musickoji

2. Restart

3. Reaction


•Kiyotaka and Kei here are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet

•They watched the events in all volume ranging from 1 to 11.5 of year 1 and a few scenes in volume 2


Ask almost anyone from ANHS about Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and you would have been met with with words of disgust, anger, sadness, and hatred. From the happy and cheerful Ichinose Honami, to the innocent and cute angel Shiina Hiyori, to the self righteous Hirata Yosuke, to even the most members of the Ayanokouji group, namely, Hasebe Haruka, Yukimura Teruhiko, and Sakura Airi. Many students and teachers had the same opinion on him. That was that he was a monster, a liar, a traitor, a demon, and someone who doesn't deserve to live.

Albeit for a lone girl, she still believed in him and chose to just remain by his side.

Karuizawa Kei to be exact, was the person who sided with him even after everything was shown to them. Even after all the revelations that was given to every person here. She still wanted to believe the person who saved her. Ayanokouji has already convinced her not to do this as this will only ruin her and that its better to just step down. But even with his words, she still did not back down.

There were also some mixed opinions such as Horikita who wants someone like him to help out since his abilities are crucial to going to class A but hesitated after seeing his Ayanokouji's true self, someone like Chabashira-sensei who so badly wanted to go up to Class A that she was willing to blackmail a student but was having second thoughts about the situation itself.

The Ayanokouji group as a whole has now disbanded, being part of something the was created because of him made them sick to their stomach.

Both girls were angry and sad at how their expectations were betrayed. Haruka was thinking of how to make Kiyo suffer after she saw how he sacrificed Airi easily in the future, Airi meanwhile was terrified of Kiyotaka since the eyes that he showed in the Island exam was not the ones which saved her, the eyes that he showed was dark and empty, as if sucking you into it.

While the two boys had two different views on Kiyotaka. Keisei was openly showing his hostility and hatred for the person whom he once called his friend while Akito was still busy thinking of a reason for him to be like this, it truly made him sick to the stomach to see someone like him being friends with that person, but he did not chose to be overcome by his emotions and reasoned to himself that something must have happened to Kiyotaka to be like that. He was a delinquent once, so he knows the darkside of people. But his trust as a person on Kiyotaka was equal to non-existent.

Ichinose was rethinking of how to to deal with the human being known as Ayanokouji Kiyotaka while verbally speaking her disgust at his methods and at how he was planning on using her as his tool, that everything he told her was nothing more than a lie. This was supported by her classmates as they glared at Ayanokouji.

Hiyori was saddened by the fact that her book buddy was someone like this, but before she let herself be overcome by her emotions she suddenly remembered the words "everything has a reason for happening" that she read in a book once. So before she made her judgement on him, she first wanted to know about him as to why he was like this, you weren't born as a child like this.

Hirata Yosuke was openly glaring and spewing vitriol from his mouth, calling him out for his methods thats was borderline to illegal. He was about to punch Kiyotaka but was blocked by Kei herself as she tried to convince him to stop. She asked why he would do this to his friend but was met with shouting that said "I am not a friend of that monster!" all the while exuding hostility toward Kiyotaka.

Ryueen, Kiryuin, Manabu, Akane, and Arisu was just standing by the sidelines watching everything, they were unaffected by the crowd. They knew that something was going on but they couldn't put their hand on what it was but they knew, someone did something to the students. Arisu was a bit worried for Ayanokouji as he was just there standing...  Menacingly...

Someone was watching everything with glee they were looking at the spectacle right in front of their eyes as they formed a psychotic grin.

Oh how the irony. What will their opinions be after the next video. How much will be able to hold on? Will they live with this? What will be in their minds as they get their revelation? Just imagining it made their psychotic grin wider and wider.

???: Alright, I will give all of you a decision for his fate. First, He will be dropped out of ANHS and each class will have a deduction of 100 class points, triple that for the leading class in class points. Second, he will stay here at ANHS and each class will be sent back to the starting point of 1000 class points but Ayanokouji himself will be placed in his only class with only 600 class points, this is only applicable to the second years. Third is that he will be sent back to the white room along with being dropped out of ANHS, and each and every last one of you will get 1,000,000 private points. So what will it be?

At this the students perked up. Revenge plague everyone's thoughts as they considered their options. Most of the student preferred the first option as he will no longer be here in ANHS. But they had scrapped that immediately since they wanted Ayanokouji Kiyotaka to suffer, and since they already know about the white room is something that is the reason for going here in this school and that his father is someone who does extreme punishments to people, just thinking him getting tortured was getting them excited.

All of this was being watched by Ayanokouji with the same emotionless face as he continued to stare listless at the window, wondering where has his life been so unfortunate. He just wanted to have peace for three years and this God, who named himself an "Sizner", that calls himself his follower decided to reveal his secrets for world, to be laid bare to the people whom he didn't want to know about his skeletons in his closet. A telepathic message came to him but was sent to him just as he was about to sigh for the 420th time.

Sizner: *Do not worry Kiyotaka-sama this is just one of my plans for your future. Ohh and if you're worrying about the third outcome, I will be creating a separate clone of you with the same looks, attitude, personality and even to most minute detail about you. The real you will be moved to another dimension with the ability to get almost any material you want. May it be something a complicated as a neutron star the size of a marble or something as simple as ice cream. You can also watch their reactions from there.*

Kiyotaka: *You say that but you will still be exposing my secrets. Why should I trust you?*

Ayanokouji spoke in his thoughts as he looked at the God.

Sizner: *Indeed, after the stunt I pulled, Kiyotaka-sama would indeed doubt my intentions. Do not worry though, no kind of harm will happen to both your body and mind, I assure you of that.*

He said as he started preparing the voting for what to do with Kiyotaka. Ayanokouji noticed his strange wording as he tried to speak to Sizner once again but to no avail, he was cut off before he could speak.

Sizner: Now everything is up and ready, let the voting begin!

With the sound of a buzzer being pressed each and every student suddenly got a screen in front of them showing the choices with a blank circle in front of each choice indicating of a poll. At this many of the same students picked the third one still being controlled with their emotions.

Heh All according to plan~~

(Sorry for the slow update had to do a project in school along with doing a review for my subject. Damn Physics is so hard... School is really a biatch. Anyway I think will be having more free time so I will be doing a poll.)

Please vote as it actually helps me out with my motivation to write. Though I know some of you won't really read this.

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