Girl's of the Past

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I'm gonna go back to how I write back then doing the same format as the last one was harder than expected.

Today's the final day of our second year. In the past months of the year many things happened. From the my past catching up to me, to my friendships getting destroyed, to me breaking up with Kei. From Ichinose sudden change to my influence in the class matters getting suspected by most of my classmates and me getting revealed as the class's true leader.

The days continued as the situation calmed down after my reveal. The classroom was still as lively as ever with a few exceptions. Matsushita who was stalking me at the start was now openly asking about what I did during the special exams in detail. Many of my classmates did this also but slowly stopped after I did give them the time of the day.

Chabashira-sensei walked in with the classroom with tablet in hand. Her attitude in the last few months was better than ever after she unchained her self of her past regrets.

"Good Morning. I will be posting your class points rankings as the end of the year exam you took yesterday has now been calculated into your class points. My expectations for all of you has now risen with the actions you all have done in the past year." She said as she posted the class points on the screen. At the same time the class points rankings on the official OOA app has been updated.


CLASS A - 1228
Sakayanagi's Class

CLASS B - 976
Ayanokouji's Class

CLASS C - 819
Ichinose's Class

CLASS D - 793
Ryuuen's Class

The class didn't scream like last time but just smiled victoriously as they basked in the glory of getting the Class B position on the end of their 2nd year.

As for why the other classes as like this it's because, in the past most Ichinose has been implementing more cunning and harsher tactics as well as now going so far as to deceive and lie about certain scenarios.

Horikita has almost been caught in one as for their deal, but she said to Ichinose that she was going to discuss it with the class first, though it was just about her asking me for advice. Once I heard the deal immediately thought all all scenerios of what this deal will give us as well as the loopholes behind it.

The deal itself wasn't the problem but the result of it. If done right it would deal a huge amount of damage not only to our class but also the individual students included in our class.

I advised her not to take it for now as it was too risky with the new Ichinose. I could read into what it would do to us as a whole to us individually I cannot.

As for Ryuuen's Class, He has now far more shrewder in his attempts of taking down each class one by one. His plan now has most of their bases covered with a backup in case of a sudden variable entering into it.

Sakayanagi has still full lead in her class with them only losing to us in the last special exam with them losing 200 class points and us getting 200 class points.

All in all, every one in the school has now improved greatly with Sudo in the lead. Who knew that that hot headed delinquent of class D back then now be a key player for our class competitions. His academic right now is just a bit below from Keisei. Honestly, his development as person and student is astounding.

As Class concluded, I sat up from my chair as I prepared to go to my room. I suddenly felt myself going dizzy. I know that I didn't eat or do anything for me to get dizzy. Why is this happening? This makes no sense.

An even harsher feeling came over me as I felt a consciousness about to let go. Desperate, I bite my lip and tongue as hard as I could to stop myself from going unconscious. I felt my classmates jolt at my sudden actions and got surprised at the blood trickling from the corner of my mouth.

"Oi! oi! Ayanokouji!" Sudo came up to me as he felt something wrong. His reaction time and decision making has now gone better than I expected.

But as I kept biting my self to retain consciousness, an extreme feeling of pain shot throughout my body. Am I dying? This is impossible. My health for the past months is great. I had not felt even a single whiff of sickness. But this? What the fuck this happening?

I felt my self grip onto the corner of the table as i heard it cream from my grip. Now everyone was alarmed. Everybody shot up from their chair as they felt something wrong is happening. Even Kei who has been cold to me for the past few days came up to me.

I tried to call out to them but was stopped when another wave of pain crept up all over my body. Even with me having inhuman pain tolerance, this much pain is too much. I let go of the table as my consciousness finally let go. I could hear everyone screaming, calling out to me.


"Ayanokouji! Don't die on me!"















I felt myself waking up. I open my eyes as I looked around to see a familiar ceiling, and quite a few girls surrounding me. They all wore worried and teasing expressions as they looked to me. Some were blushing while others were smirking.


I know where I am now this was a month before the 2nd phase of the curriculum in the white room. When I was about 2 weeks before I turn four years old.

I know where I am...

I am back in the white room...


(A/N: *Sighhhhhh* just don't ask me why I published this chapter this early. I just had some free time to squeeze in this chapter. Thank the typhoon that is currently wrecking the country. Nothing really to do with classes suspended. Anyway just like last time. Voting time~)

Voting choices are the same as last time with a few additions:

Lonerkouji (Kiyotaka being a loner only opening up to those who are close to him.)[This is essentially me making a wholesome chapter. This focuses more on the romance and character development of the main cast]

Crossover with TEiS [this is where Cid is the Second Masterpiece along with Kiyo's classmates within his generation]

Musickoji [I will delve deeper into the class conflict within the school and flesh out the history of Kiyo's life]

Girl's of the Past [White Room Harem] (Continuation)

Class E [Kiyo making another class but this time it's only the class leaders vs. the whole 1st grade {Timeline=1st year Kiyo}]

Isekai Game [Essentially isekaiing the whole students body into a mishmash of my favorite sandbox games. Most of the games are modded.]

Forgotten [Right before Kiyotaka steps into ANHS everyone who knows him as the Masterpiece will forget him with a few exceptions, Eichiro and Matsuo as well as Nanase, maybe a few other characters will go to ANHS. There will also be those who still remember him, just because why not?]

I took the idea of the rewritten chapter and (maybe?) implement it to a different series.


Thanks again for the votes

Author-kun out~

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