Reaction 2

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Voting was really good last time. This make this story have 50 votes within 72 hours and I will upload another chapter of this story...

Anyways I'll be uploading a few drafts that I just got an idea of. Most of it have trashy writing so it will take time for those to be published.

Get 50 votes on this chapter within 72 hours.

The reward is I will update this series again.

Anyway, let's start...


Sizner: Now everything is up and ready! Let the voting begin!


Kiyotaka was was thinking of asking what he means by his words earlier but just kept silent, placing his tiny bit of trust on the God. Even if he did lie, there is nothing he can do about it since he is still restricted by his human body. Just like before the start of reaction where he tried to stop the God from looking into his mind, he was not able to do it physically but had to do some convincing. Unfortunately for it did not work. The God continued.

Sizner: All of you have 10 minutes to make your decision! You can have discussions, convince someone else, create factions on what decision you guys should make, or even threaten others, though I'd advise you not to. My 'advice' to you all is to not let your emotions control your decisions and let logic and reason do the deciding for you. Oh there's a special hidden addition to each choice.

With that the discussions convincing and threats have now started. Ichinose proposed for Kiyotaka to be sent back to the white room as expected. She truly believed him to be someone who enjoys manipulating people to his own entertainment. It did not take much convincing by her and Kanzaki for her class to be on board with picking the third choice. They were clearly ignoring the hidden addition.

The same happened with Class D and Class C. Class D had a bit of calming down between both Kei along with Akito who proposed to think about first. But everything was already set in stone when both Hirata and Kushida spoke about pick the third choice of sending him back to the white room saying that Kiyotaka should not be here at this school. This choice was further cemented when Kushida 'faked' crying though not everyone could see that it was fake. Though they saw her true nature, ever since the viewing they started becoming friends with Kushida ones again after seeing herself changing. But what they didn't know that it was still the same facade that she made.

Kushida's thoughts: Finally! with this I'll be able to expel that fucking asshole of a psychopath. Only that brocon bitch is the only one left to expel.

In class C, Ryueen and Hiyori just kept quiet for now as they felt that if they said something about keeping him in school in his own class then they would lash out. Hiyori did it since arguments about this might tear the class apart and that she doesn't want unnecessary violence. Ryueen on the other hand, is suspicious about everyone's behavior and the God. He chose not to do something first and see what is happening with his class and the other classes. Katsuragi himself chose rein in the class on opted for them to vote for the first option. Dealing a blow to Class A and expelling a significant threat.

Class A was neutral about this due to Arisu's glare conveying that if someone did something stupid, they will be her next target. She proposed to pick the second option since the first option would deal a blow to the class standings, having a class point deduction of 200 will be a huge disadvantage especially when the gap itself of Class A and Class B is only 261. But this was scrapped due to one of Katsuragi Faction's former member started a disagreement with more and more students backing them up. Thus Class A was split into two factions once again.

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