Unbreakable Connection

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The start of winter vacation has now come up. Couples, friends, and students were busy with everyday tasks. Most of the students could be seen playing in the mall, doing club activities or either just lazing around. Though there also those whom like to go to their own hobbies.

Another normal day in ANHS. The snow falling softly on the ground as the cold winter morning begun. It was truly peaceful.

"Kei, I want to break up with you."

"H-Huh? You're joking right Kiyotaka?"

Indeed, it was truly another normal day in ANHS, as another couple made within the school was going to be destroyed. Truly peaceful.

"No, I am not. I am also planning to dropout within a few days."

"Eh? Y-you're joking... You're joking right?!" Kei screamed, trying to deny what her boyfriend said.

"As I said earlier, I am not joking. I am breaking up with you and I am going to dropout after a few days" Kiyotaka restated as his facial expression shook slightly.

But Kei was not able to notice this as the girl was too busy absorbing the words that her boyfriend or rather 'ex-boyfriend' dropped. Kiyotaka waited until she calmed down enough to listen to him.

"Kei, I'm sorry"


"YOU PROMISED ME YOU'D PROTECT ME! YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME! I know what kind of personality you have but am I no longer useful?! I will help you with anything so please! Don't leave me!"

She screamed inside her room with the volume of a siren. There should be a great amount of people who heard that.

Kiyotaka was silent. He remembered every experience in the white room. Of how clueless he was back then. Of how worthless and fleeting his life is. Of how weak he is. Of how he was considered the Masterpiece and the perfect human created by the white room, but still couldn't save the one person he considered important in his life in that hellhole.

He chuckled to himself inside his mind. It was ironic actually, those last three words were exactly the one 'she' said to him before getting dragged by the instructors to be disposed of.

A few moments after Kei uttered the words "Don't leave me!", she felt something change. Her body felt it. In her mind she knew, for some reason, she fucked up. She looked timidly at Kiyotaka.

His bangs covered his eyes as his body shook for a split second but stopped immediately. A moment he looked back at Kei with the same eyes he threatened her with but now darker than ever before.

She twitched and shivered, looking into the boys eyes, getting reminded once again of his personality and how terrifying he is. She, knowing something was wrong, decided to face it head on. Her resolve was made up. She will do something about this.

But that resolve wavered with his next words.

"Yes you are useless to me now. To me, all you were was nothing but a book to learn about love. For the past year I have yet to learn nor feel any of it from you. What do think happens to something when it's uses are now worthless? Let me tell you... it gets disposed of."

He closed his eyes once more pausing for her to comprehend the words stated. As soon as he sensed that Kei understood, he said his final words to her with opened eyes.

"I don't care what happens to the class, to you, to our classmates, or to everyone here in ANHS. If something or someone were to target me, I wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice them for my own benefit.

Because in this world, winning is all that matters."


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