Ch 1: The demise of the humans

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The world has changed. The world is covered in smoke, fire, and dust. The very crust of Earth's surface has cracked and receded, crushed under the pressure and torture inflicted by its own caretakers, the humans. So foolish and stupid they were. Digging deeper into Her core, looking for meaningless rocks of gold and black oils. Consumed by their greed and everlasting need for power, they created too many machines that poisoned the very air they breathed, and dumped toxins and filth in Her waters. They ultimately tainted all of their resources necessary for their own survival: air and water. Their feeble attempts to counteract their heinous deeds were simply too little, too late. Those with the resources came to power over those without; that is, those who could get ahold of the gas masks and water purifiers. Those fortunate souls that did not have those resources, simply died out. Those who survived continued to fight each other, unable to satisfy their greed, until the Earth herself began to crumble. Too dry from poisoned water, to toxic from all the waste and chemicals. The earth began to crack open, leaving gaping canyons that lead down into the molten center of Her belly, emitting even more toxic fumes. The weak-minded, power-hungry humans that remained did not have the knowledge to counteract the poisonous fumes, and died out.

That was over 2,000 years ago, and now, Earth is ready to be inhabited again. But by what exactly?

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