Ch 30: The Past Stand part 2

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"You won't touch him again!" I growled at Garrett. I was shaking from rage, I refuse to let Garrett lay a finder on Dahvie. But Garrett just laughed, making my rage boil over. He held up his knife and took one step towards Dahvie, and I made my move. I threw Dahvie into the air, hoping he'll stay up there. And I swung at Garrett as hard as I could with my axe. He was faster and stronger than ever, feeding off of the amount of torment and pain he's inflicted. I managed to grab his arm and twist it behind his head, I waited for Dahvie to shoot him, but a fucking viper stopped his arrow. I growled in frustration and pushed Garrett as hard as I could, trying to push him down, but he used my momentum to flip me over his shoulder. I landed on my back, the wind knocked out of me, and before I could respond, a knife was shoved into the center of my chest. I gasp in pain, and lay in shock for a few seconds, feeling the blood run down the sides of my chest. I briefly see Jake attack Garrett, pushing him away from me, then Dahvie is hovering over me. I can feel it. My nightmare. This is it.

"Jayy, no, you're okay..." He bends down to kiss my chest, but I just want to feel his lips ones last time. I grab his face and lift it to mine, pressing my lips to his as tenderly as I could. My last kiss. "I love you." I whisper. The I shove him off of me, throwing him back to safety. I might have been rough, but I'm saving him.

I hear him protest, but I stand up and run for Garrett. He just stands straight and smiles, and just before I reach him, a loud banging noise rang in my ears. I felt something hit my forehead, and I flew back a good twenty feet. I felt strange, I waited to hit the ground, but I didn't. It felt like I floated back from whatever hit me, I feel weightless. I can't move, I can't open my eyes, I can barely hear anything. It sounds like I'm underwater, everything is muffled.

Voices begin to form, "JAYY!" "JAYY, NO!!" I'm right here, I'm okay... "JAYY!!" This voice helps me find my senses. He lets out a horrible, ear-spitting cry of pain, and I shoot my eyes open. Oh, no, it's my nightmare. This is happening. I'm dying to move, but I can't. I see Sally's body, twisted and broken, poor Kelly, sobbing, laying next to her beautiful pink wings, Jeffree crying over Daniel... And Dahvie sobbing over a body, my body. My nightmare did not prepare me for this horrific scene. "Dahvie!" I yell in my head. Garrett begins to walk up to Dahvie, and I fight with all my might to move, and somehow save him.

Two newborns grab Dahvie's arms and painfully pull them apart. My heart shattered as Dahvie hangs his head limp, giving up. His wings are still out, those beautiful, sugar-coated wings I could stare at forever. "Stupid, foolish little bird. Did you really think you deserve to live among us?" Garrett cooed at Dahvie. He put his hand on Dahvie's beautiful wing, and the other on his shoulder. "Dahvie! Garrett, Don't!" I managed to yell, but no one could hear me. Garrett started to rip Dahvie's beautiful wing, and Dahvie yells in pain. I see blood start to trickle down his back, and the pain is overwhelming. I lift up my head, and prayed to the God I accepted into my heart. The God that I thought had abandoned me. "Please..." I see a light form in the sky, blinding me, and I let myself dissolve into it. I know that my friends will be okay. I fly up into it, as fast as light, and let it consume me.


I held my breathe. The gunshot echoed several times throughout the forest. I looked over at CC, standing about twenty feet behind Garrett, holding up the old gun he had found a while back ago. His eyes were glowing red, and one side if his mouth was turned up in a twisted smile. "No!" I yelled out. Garrett stood over Jayy, laughing. And that poor angel was heartbroken. He let out a scream that shattered my heart. This wasn't right. It was all Garrett's fault. I run over to CC with my speed, and and jam my axe into the crook of his neck.

All the angels were crying, but more demons started crawling out of the crack in the earth. What is happening?

I noticed Brandy, staring in shock at Jayy's lifeless figure on the ground. It burned me to see him too, I liked him. A demon was running towards Brandy, but she didn't see him, so I bolted and protected her. I was enraged. I've seen enough. I want to protect these angels.

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