Ch 27: Second Thoughts

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"Hold your head up high, they would kill to see you fail

Evil lurks, in the shadows, just waiting to prevail."

"Every sinner has a future, every saint has a past.

"Gonna keep the torch burning so the message will last"

"Like a Phoenix rising up from a pile of burning ashes."

"You think you give up no matter how those haters try to trash us.

I will use my voice like the words from mother f*cking class rooms

Touching hearts, saving lives, warding off the black doom."

I had brought my guitar out after lighting the bonfire. I played my song, Believe, that I use to sing out on my balcony. Jayy sang it with me, and it was like magic. His voice is absolutely beautiful. When we told him, he said he normally screams, and I had to hear it! I use to do some screaming, but he was way better! Brandy brought out her violin, Aussie brought out his bass, and Jake and Drew brought out their guitars. Brian use to drum for us, but since he's gone, Kyle and Bryce were using his drumsticks on the wood and things lying around. We started playing together, and this song was practically writing itself.

"Come with me and take my hand,

I'll lead you to a wonderland.

A world that's free of hate and lies,

Where beauty lives and evil dies.

Relax your mind and close your eyes

Heaven's what you visualize.

My wings of gold kill all despair,

Just trust in me and I'll take you there."

"This is my gift and my curse,

Till I'm dead in a hearse

My words will stain this f*cking earth!

Until I'm free from this sex lust succubus earth

I can't escape this wicked curse!"

"Like a vamp to the neck,

Like a wolf to the flesh.

I'm cursed, I'm cursed, I'm f*cking dead!

My gift, my gift, the only thing left"

"I can't escape this wretched fate!"

I never want to write a song without Jayy ever again. We complete each other, his darkness and my light. We finished the song, My Gift and My Curse, then Jayy, Jeffree, Sally, Brandy, and Aussie showed us their song Sluts Get Guts, and I loved it! All of us together are going to make awesome music when this situation is sorted out.

When Jayy told me about the vision from the dolphins, I had that divine-intervention feeling that they will come for us in 48 hours. I figured, we needed some time to remind us of the things we love most. Music is a huge part of all of us, and we all bonded immensely from making music together. It'll be good for us, we feel stronger as a group, and it reminded us of the things worth fighting for. No one even questioned why we don't just run away. We can't live on the run, we have to take a stand.

We showed the demons our song The Loving Dead, then we started getting tired. The sun was long gone, and the moon was high and bright in a star-filled sky. There was a strip of rainbow waving above us, like the Northern lights from human times, only more brightly colored. Jayy and I were lying on the sand, staring at the sky. We could hear the others breaking off into smaller, quieter conversations too. I grabbed Jayy's hand and turned my head to look at his gorgeous face. He was smiling up at the sky.

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