Ch 7: Optimism

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He smiles back at me, "I've waited for you... Every day..." His body is still recuperating. I help him sit up against a tree, then we both catch our breaths and take in what just happened. I almost killed this beautiful angel that I had fallen in love with in my dreams... Before that, he saved me from falling off a tree, because some stupid fucking lightening came out of no where and attacked me... I was out here because I needed to warn him, oh yeah...

As if he read my mind, he asked, "What were you doing out here?" He couldn't take his eyes off me. Well of course not, all the demons go Jayy for me, well I guess angels do too. But it's different with him, not just pure lust. He's staring right into my eyes. It's as if he knows me.


I can't stop looking at him, I haven't looked away from his gorgeous red eyes since I learned his name. I can't stop smiling, I can't believe he's finally here. I've spent years staring out my balcony, hoping to see a glimpse of him. I've dreamed of this face every night for years, and now it's here, looking back at me. "What were you doing out here?" I asked. He looked down, his smile faded a little. Something was wrong, but a more important question was burning inside me. "Do you know who I am?"

He looked up and met my gaze again, "Yes, kind of... You're the angel that leads the pack across the forest..." He hesitated, as though there was more, so I waited for him to speak again. "I dreamt of you for years, but I had no idea... Until Garrett said he saw you, their leader, and described you to me a few nights ago."

Wow, so he had dreamt of me too, this really is happening. Everything is clear to me. We were suppose to meet, destined from the very beginning of our time here. But destined for what? In my dreams were were laughing, wrestling sometimes, like we were best friends, and sometimes I dreamt of his face inches from mine in a small smirk, as though he was about to kiss me... But then I remember Garrett, and he came out here for something...

I told him, "I dreamt of you every night since I came here. All these years. But I didn't know your name until a few minutes ago, it just came to me."

"What's your name, angel?" he asked. He has the sexiest crooked smile on his face. I felt silly, I had just been sitting here staring at him in my own thoughts.

"Dahvie Vanity."

He laughed, "Vanity? That's not very saintly" I laughed with him. "I like your play on words, though."

"What's your full name?" I asked.

He smiled even bigger, "Jayy Von Monroe." And he laughed.

"Like Marylyn Monroe?" I laughed.

"Yeah, well... You'll see as you get to know me, it suits me." Wow, I can't wait to get to know him. Suddenly his smile fades, he wraps his arms around his legs and holds tight; I notice his hands are shaking, and his breathing has increased.

"Are you ok?" I lean closer to him, and he scoots away.

"I- I think I should leave soon," he stutters. Leave? No, I just met him. "Dahvie I don't wanna lose control again." He gets up and starts to walk away.

I get up and walk after him. "Jayy! Wait, you came out here for something... Jayy!" I ran to keep up with his long strides. He stopped, his fists clenched so tight his arms were shaking

"Dahvie please, I don't want to hurt you. I haven't been around an angel in years..."

I laugh a little, "No offense little devil, but I'm faster than you." He loosens up a little and giggles, then turns to face me.

"You saw Garrett. He's the most bloodthirsty of the group. He's persuaded everyone that we need to... Attack your group. They think you're a threat to their lives here. I came to warn you."

My heart sinks, even though I already knew, it's more real now that I'm hearing it from him. I felt the anger rise up in me like fire. "Why?! We've done nothing to you guys, kept our distance..."

He interrupted me, "I'm sorry..." His face looked so sad... I've never seen a demon with sadness... "We can't help who we are. They're afraid, we came from nothing but heat and darkness, we knew nothing but regret, pain, disappointment, loneliness... Until we crawled out of the ground and were gifted... Gifted with memories of Earth when the humans reined, and with a chance to live that ourselves. They would not give that up for anything, but they can't fight who they are. Demons are selfish, fearful, greedy. They act before they think. They feel the effects of your group. I don't know why it is the way it is. I don't know why I black out and try to kill any angel that comes near me. I don't know why we grow weaker around angels, and it scares them."

His eyes held such sadness, I started walking closer to him, and he did not back away. "You're different, aren't you?" I asked.

"I've dreamt of you for years, I feel like I know you, and I want you in my life. I can't explain how I saw your face so vividly in dreams when I've never seen you in person." I could see a tear falling from his eye; he was crying. And at this moment, I've never been so amazed. This world is full of unanswered questions and mysteries. By the human's definition, magic. He was one of the few demons with the gift of insight and optimism. Unfortunately, most demons lack those traits; they see the world as it is, not as how it could be, with no possibility of change. But not my little devil.

I took one more step closer, and lifted my hand to wipe the tear from his perfectly smooth cheek. As soon as I did, tears came pouring from his eyes, and he lowered his face into my hand. He is the most precious and beautiful thing I've ever known, I don't see how I can ever leave his side. I slowly moved my hand behind his slender neck, I was weary of a frenzy from his vulnerable state. But he just seemed to relax more and more with every tear, so I pulled him down to me and wrapped my other arm around his waist, and held him.

He softly cried into my shoulder, and wrapped his long, slender arms around me. I was in shock, I've never seen a demon like this, I didn't think they were capable of crying. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his neck. He's so much taller than me, and so thin. This is the best moment of my existence.

A wave of realization comes over me, like a vision. It's the interaction; they say it all the time, angels are a demon's undoing, they're like poison. Because we can undo their nature. Break them, in a sense. They need to be broken in order for them to live peacefully. Angels are protectors, saviors; we can save them from themselves, from their dark nature.

He lifted his head from my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. He looked into my eyes, his face streaked with eyeliner, then immediately giggles and looked back down. "Jayy, are you blushing?" I asked with a chuckle.

"No, go away," he said laughing and hiding in his hands. I grabbed his wrists and tried to pull them from his face. He's stronger than me, but he gave in and looked at me. I couldn't help it, I've seen him in my dreams, looking at me like this, in lust, and now it's real...

"You are so adorable..." I can't help it, I think it's him, he's so alluring, like his very aura screams, 'you know you want me.' Maybe it's a demon thing, or maybe it's just a Jayy thing. He inched even closer and put his hands on my face, and I knew he had the same urge as me.

"Dahvie..." He breathed out, I could smell his sweet breath, it practically made my eyes roll back, it smelled so good. It made me want to taste him so bad, but I froze in his sweet smell. He came closer and closer, until our lips touched ever so slightly, then he sighed and deepened the kiss. This is my heaven, his lips are so soft, I felt lightheaded and fuzzy.

He broke the kiss but kept his face close to mine. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again. His hands were still on my face, and I put mine on his waist. My heart was beating loud and strong, and I could tell his was too. He fisted his hands in my hair and he shuttered. I do have perfectly kissable lips; I smiled against his lips, I love that I can get that reaction out of him.

He let out a long breath and pulled away. "What do we do now, angel?"

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