Ch 16: Accepted

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My breathing starts to even out, as I process what just happened. "Wha- Chris? No, no..." Dahvie was lying in my lap, but as Drew walked closer carrying a limp and cold Chris, he rolled over to his knees. I helped him, supporting his shoulders. Drew laid Chris down right next to us, and I gently pulled up on one of his giant white wings to flatten it out on the ground. It was disturbing, these giant beautiful wings just hanging limp, they weren't shimmering or glowing like Dahvie's, they were just a dull lifeless white, they almost looked grey.

"No, Chris..." Dahvie started crying as he leaned over him and put his hands on his torso. The arrow was still sticking out of his chest, piercing right into his heart. His eyes were closed, and he looked peaceful, but seeing him so lifeless and limp was shocking. Dahvie was sobbing, Michelle had steady streams of tears from her face, Kelly was crying on a wide-eyed Brian's shoulder.

My shock started to fade. I almost lost my Dahvie, but we lost Chris, and I killed a demon. A new angel killed another, and we spared one... I looked over to the red-faced demon tied to a tree, and Adrian and Drew were standing in front of him, staring. "What do we do with this one?" asked Drew. They both looked over to me. I wiped the tears off my face and tried to think clearly.

More tears fell as I realized, this will not end here. All hell is about to break loose, surprisingly literally. Whether we kill this one or not. I pulled myself together and tried to be strong, like Drew and Adrian. We cannot mourn yet. "Um... It really doesn't matter, if we kill him or let him go, the others will know. They've been dying to start a war, and now they have an excuse." I was still kneeling in my spot, too shocked to move. Until I heard Dahvie's continued sobs. I scooted over to him and put my hands on his back. "Dahvie... I'm so sorry..." Somehow I started to feel like this was all my fault. If Dahvie and I had never met, maybe things would be different.

I felt Dahvie's muscles tense under my hands, and suddenly he jumped up and stomped over to the demon. "Why would you do this?! We've done nothing to you! Left you alone, in peace! What do you possibly gain from coming after us!" Dahvie's nose was inches from the demon's, and the demon's claws were tense, reaching for Dahvie's neck, but his arms were tight to his sides, they tied him good with a type of wire. The demon started to growl from his chest, but he just stared at Dahvie. He took a deep breath and stood up straight, deep in thought. Then he noticed Jeffree, who had not moved from his spot since he caught up to me. Dahvie slowly walked over to him and held out his hand, "Hi, I'm Dahvie Vanity."

Jeffree stared at his hand, then looked into Dahvie's eyes. I know he saw nothing but kindness, so he slowly took his hand, "I'm Jeffree Star." Dahvie smiled, and Jeffree added, "Im so sorry," looking over at Chris.

"Dahvie, what happened here?" Drew asked, confused.

Dahvie walked back over to Chris, telling the story, "I saw Chris in the snow, bleeding. I turned down to go to him, and an arrow hit me in the chest. I tumbled down, and three demons jumped on me." He left off there, and everyone's eyes went wide. They almost lost Dahvie the same way they lost Chris. Fresh tears fell from everyone's cheeks, then Dahvie continued. "Adrian and Jayy saved me from the demons."

They assumed Adrian saved him, he was flying with Dahvie, but everyone looked at me at the mention of my name. I simply looked over at the demon with his head nearly torn off. Dahvie looked, too, and sadness crept into his gorgeous eyes.

Dahvie walked back over to the tied-up demon, "Do you want to burry your dead? Cuz if you don't mind, we'd like to burry ours." The demon merely shook his head, no. "We're not gunna kill you. We're gunna show you mercy, and kindness, and you can go back and tell your little friends that we never wanted a fight with you. But if you come back with your claws out, we will not show any mercy." With that, he gestured to Adrian to let him go. Hesitantly, he cut the wires, and the demon stood up and ran away.

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