Ch 23: Possession

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"Jayy, Jayybear, talk to me, what happened?" Dahvie was speaking fast, these scratches on me appeared out of no where... I pressed my palms to my eyes, so many questions were buzzing around my head. He invaded my dreams, and hurt me... Physically hurt me from inside my own head. His eyes were black and his tongue was a snake's tongue.

We're still learning about ourselves, is it possible I could invade someone's dreams? It makes sense, it's what demons from human times did, invade dreams, possess... Then his ultimatum... Do I tell Dahvie? Should I just leave? Will he honor his word and leave Dahvie alone? I'm sure he'll kill me, then there's no way for me to protect everyone. And I thought of my vision the other night. When I was dead, Dahvie just gave up. Let them hurt him. What if I sneak away and find a way to kill Garrett...? Make him believe I trusted him, then kill him myself.

I didn't realize I had tears down my cheeks until Dahvie wrapped his arms around me and held my face to his chest. He kissed my head, "Shhh, Jayy it's okay, you're safe I got you." He stroked my hair as I tried to steady my breath and get my thoughts together. What did he say? I had two days? That's not much time... What happens in two days? He comes after us? I'd bet anything they sent those vipers, and they somehow learned our location from them. I need to move the group, they'll be safer.

Something tells me I should go... They're all counting on me, I don't know exactly what for, but they see me as somebody important. They think I can change the world. But honestly I think my story alone can change things. A demon falls in love with an angel. A demon who regrettably use to enjoy the fight. I enjoyed fighting angels, watching them die. I felt strong, indestructible. Even though my skin was soft around them, I felt most powerful when I was killing them. And now I would die for any one of these angels. Even one I'd met an hour earlier.

Dahvie continued stroking my hair and kissing my forehead, shushing me, until I steadied myself. I honestly don't know how we'd hold up against all the demons. We don't know how many they've recruited, they have vipers, they're learning more powers, maybe possession... We don't stand a chance. But I can give them a chance. I have to go. Even if I get killed, I have to take down as many of them as I can.

At this realization, my breathing steadies and my tears stop. "That's it, babe, it's okay, you're safe." This is the right choice, I can feel it. But I have to be strong. He can't know, he won't let me. What should I do before I leave?

"Jayybear, what happened?" He lifts my chin to look into my eyes, I don't know what he sees in them, but in his, I see fear. I don't ever want to see fear in his eyes. I reach up and gently kiss him. He laughs, "What was that for?"

"Because I love you." I don't want him to be suspicious, but I can't help it. I try to explain to him what happened without giving him any hints. "Garrett... Invaded my dream. He just paralyzed me, and scratched me." I look down my leg, but the scratches were gone. I touched my neck, there was blood, but no cuts...

"I healed you... But how can he do that?"

"I don't know, Dahv. That's why I was so scared I guess." I want to lighten the mood. I don't want my last day with Dahvie to be filled with fear and worry. I put my hand on his neck, he's still holding me in his lap. "Last night was incredible babe."

A huge grin appears on his face, and I forget all of my worries about Garrett. "You are the sexiest being on the planet." He puts his forehead to mine, "I love when you growl, when you bite... Your little ninja moves. And how the hell did you get so flexible?!" I laugh and sit up to kiss him and roll on top of him.

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