Ch 14: The Blood-Sun Rises

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I'm in heaven. I don't care where I go when I die, as long as I'm with Dahvie. We're laying on his bed, my arms are spread out, and he's lying on top of me, we're both panting, out of breath.

I pulled out of my post-petite-morte daze at the sound of Dahvie's voice, "Jayy, can we just stay here? Forever? Or let's just fly somewhere far away and enjoy this world, together, without conflicts."

I kissed his head and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, squeezing him to me. I told him quietly, "That sounds incredible, Dahv. But you can't leave your friends. We can't run away, we'll put everyone in danger."

He looked up into my eyes, and I saw so many mixed emotions. He was completely happy, but slightly disappointed at the same time. I felt exactly the same way; absolute happiness with my Dahvie, but somewhat calm and somber. We have to be strong, and weather through the tough times ahead. He reached up and kissed me, and I squeezed him tighter, putting my other hand lightly on his neck.

I pulled away, "I don't know about you Dahv, but I'm parched!" I said

He giggled, "Okay, let's go get some drinks." We got up, put our pants back on, and went downstairs to the kitchen. The house was almost pitch black, we didn't want to risk turning the lights on. He opened the fridge, "'Kay, Jayy, we got monsters, grape juice, apple juice..."

"Just water's fine..." I trailed off, something didn't feel right here. I put my index finger over my lips, telling Dahvie to keep quiet, and I crouched into the living room. I felt crunching glass beneath my feet, and looked harder around the room. The place was smashed. Their gothic knick-knacks had been thrown around, there were dents in the walls. All of the photos they left behind had been stomped on. As soon as I was sure nobody was in the house, I turned to Dahvie, "We should get out of here."

His eyes were wide with shock, and they were glistening. I hugged him tight, I know his little angel heart was breaking, how could anyone be so cruel? "I'm sorry, Dahv." I kissed his head repeatedly, I felt as if this was all my fault. "You know, I can't help but think that I would have done something like this, too, before I met you."

He sniffled a little, and said into my chest, "Don't think like that, Jayy. Your past made you who you are." He looked up at me, "You're perfect the way you are."

"So are you, angel," I replied, and I kissed him on the forehead. "Let's get out of here," I said, taking his hand and leading him out the door.


I left Dahvie at our tree, but I suggested we should start switching spots as a precaution. It's more frightening knowing my group started looking for them without me knowing. The guys would go over to the neighbor's house a lot, and I hoped with all my heart that Garrett didn't get them involved. Their group was way more demonic then we were, having sex like mad out in the open, constantly at each others throats, and occasionally murdering each other and recruiting more newborns.

I was quietly coming up to the back wall of my house, trying not to wake anyone, when I felt long, skinny fingers grab my arm. They yanked me back and slammed me against a tree, covering my mouth so I couldn't make a sound. I opened my eyes, it was Jeffree. I relaxed a little; this could have been worse.

"What the fuck are you up to, Jayy?" he growled, his nose almost touching mine, "You had me worried sick all night!" He lowered his hands from my mouth, "I thought the angels found you."

Awe, wow, he was worried about me. I felt so loved right now, but my mind was racing, and I was panicking, "Did you trash their house?" I growled back at him.

"What?! No I didn't! You were at their house!"

He was starting to get louder, and I shushed him with my finger on his lips, "Shush! Let me explain, okay? Please..." I paused, not knowing exactly where to start. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. "Okay, look. I don't want to fight the angels. We have no reason to-"

Jeffree cut me off, "Jayy, you're a demon! It's who you are!"

"No it's not! I met one, I met all of them! We can live in peace, together! There's no reason to fight!" I rushed, I immediately regretted saying so much, but I'm desperate at this point.

He released his hold on me against the tree, and took a few steps back. "They broke you..."

"No! Jeffree, please, listen!" I reached forward and put my hands on his triceps. I was panicking, I felt that he was preparing to run to Garrett and turn me in. We all knew angels were a demon's undoing, but no one ever thought it would be for the better. Until it happened, they broke me free from the darkness in my heart, and I knew that they would be happy with it, too, if I could get them to accept the idea.

I knew Jeffree was unsure, I could feel it, so I kept blabbing, hoping he'd listen. "Jeffree, it's not like they told us, we don't need to destroy them, they'll accept us, we can share this world with them, they can show us so much more. Jeffree I've never been happier, and it's because of them-"

His eyes were wide in contemplation, his perfect pink lips forming a small circle, he cut me off, "We're not suppose to live together-"

"Says who?!" I said sharply.

He paused, he couldn't respond, and I felt hopeful. "Sally and Haley know." I said. I know I'm telling him to change his whole perception on angels, but I know he trusts me, I've never led him astray. "Jeffree please, I need to stop Garrett."

He blinked several times, and I saw his expression soften. "I don't know if you can, he went to the neighbors today..." His eyes were still wide, taking in this information. Yes, Garrett did go to the neighbors, he got back late bragging about a sick-ass party. I guess the party was at Dahvie's place.

"Jeffree, is everyone else asleep?" I asked him, starting to panic again.

"As far as I know, I went into your room, and when I saw you were gone I checked everyone else, they were all there. I knew you were alone and I've been looking for you all night. I saw you fly off with that angel!" He started getting loud again and I shushed him again.

"Promise you won't tell Garrett?" I don't have time to explain, I have a bad feeling about this day, the sun was starting to rise, and the sky was the color of a blood-orange. He just nodded his head, and I had no choice but to trust him. I extended my claws and climbed the side of the house to jump in my window, and Jeffree followed. "Please check everyone's beds," I asked him.

Everyone was here, but I still had a bad feeling.


There was a sinking feeling in my heart. Something doesn't feel right, and not just because our home had been smashed up. I flew down to my friends, they were lying in their tents, most of them asleep. Adrian and Drew were awake. "I think something's wrong."

"I feel it, too," said Adrian.

"Is everybody here?" I asked.

Drew replied, "Chris left to talk to Daniel's group a few minutes ago."

"We need to get him back here," I said, waking the girls. Daniel and his group lived not too far from here, I had warned them of the situation and told them we'd keep them informed, but now it doesn't feel safe. The girls groaned in annoyance, but they quickly caught on. "Wake up! Something's wrong, I need you two to fly to the trees we found, like we practiced, and watch the woods, okay? Keep a close eye on all of us, and look out for Chris or any demons." They could sense the panicking tone in my voice, and didn't protest. They grabbed their bows and flew off. There were two trees that were taller than the rest, with plenty of coverage and a great view of our entire little meadow.

I didn't know if this was a smart decision, but we split up looking for Chris. We all flew, we were safest in the sky.

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