Ch 4: Dark Dreams

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I'm wandering through the woods again, weaving through the snow-covered trees. I don't remember what exactly I'm suppose to be looking for, but I know I'm looking for something. The animals seem to be guiding me towards the west, towards the demons territory. Our region has claimed a truce, for now. The demons kept attacking when they saw us too close to their territory, so we agreed to give them more land if they leave us alone. I'm not sure why the squirrels and deer keep sending me towards their land, it's dangerous for angels to cross a demon. It's like an instinct, they see our bright, electric blue eyes, and attack.

I've had this dream many times before, almost every night. Usually it's just me wandering around, following the animals, as eventually I wake up. But this time something's different. I can feel a dark presence, and I start to hear raised voices. They're getting louder, now it's just yelling, and shuffling... A fight. Surely these are not angels. I start running towards the voices, and I hear a loud shriek, then everything stops. But then I see it, a pool of bright red blood, soaking into the snow. I run closer, and see him, the face I've been dreaming of. The beautiful demon that's been haunting my thoughts since he was shown to me, by God.

God does not communicate to us directly, that would make things all too easy. But he showed us angels that we were to inhabit the earth once more; he parted the clouds and gave us visions of frolicking in Earths great forests, and swimming in Her blue lakes. He also showed us the potential for war, but that was the price we paid for our great existence on Earth, for our exploration of free will and self discovery, our journey to better ourselves. To make mistakes and make right choices. To learn.

He also gave me a vision of this demon, smiling down at me. That was it, this handsomely tall, beautiful tattooed demon, smiling at me. And since then I spotted him from the clouds, and chose to stay close to him, until the day we meet.

Is this a dream? I hope it is, because I don't want to meet him while he's lying in a pool if blood.

His breath is heavy and fast as he leaned against a tree with his arm around his stomach. It looks as though a sword has pierced right through him. I kneel beside him and put my hands on his face. I stare directly into his bright red eyes, that seem to be glowing less bright. "No..." His eyes close, and his head goes limp. And I wake up.

I bolt straight up in bed in a cold sweat, with my heart racing and tears in my eyes. I try to catch my breath, 'It's ok, Dahv, it was only a dream, he's ok, he's ok.' I've had this same dream before, only it felt just as real as the first time, if not more. The sun is barely rising, everyone else is still asleep. I go out to my balcony, and stare into the forest, towards the demons. I can't see their lands, really. It's an oddly shaped forest; it runs across our boundaries, but is not too long to cross. Maybe a mile walk-through to the demon territory. And I start to sing.

"Believe in me,

When you feel like you're losing all your hopes and dreams.

Believe in me,

When I am gone you gotta keep a smile on

Believe in me

Goodbye my friends celebrate the times we spent

Believe in me

We all die, it's an awfully big adventure

Believe in me, when I'm gone

We all fall down, we'll pick you up..."

I finish my song and proceed to make breakfast for the others. No, today is not the day, but soon, very soon, it will come.


Holy hell what a night. My eyes are puffy from lack of sleep. The tension in this house is rising every day. My friends grow more weary of the angels across the forest every day. They keep bringing up a plan of attack to run them out this land entirely. Garret wants to sneak over in the night and kill them all. I keep trying to calm them down, saying they won't bother us if we don't bother them. But it's like an itch they can't scratch, like an allergy. Just knowing that the angels are near sets off an instinct to kill, to eliminate the threat. I don't know how much longer I can keep them under control. But I have to, I haven't met Him yet.

Tonight was the worst night so far. Every time I close my eyes I see his face, sometimes laughing, sometimes singing, sometimes staring at me with a longing, with lust. That beautiful face, framed with black and lavender hair that sticks out everywhere, that pale skin, and the plumpest, juiciest lips I've ever seen. He draws two stripes on his face, and draws pointed eyebrows, but it works so well on him. His septum is pierced, and like me, has tattoos everywhere. His most vivid feature is his bright, glowing blue eyes. He's an angel. I can't believe an angel would look like that, but I guess they've changed, being on Earth.

Every time I drifted to sleep, I saw this beautiful face with no name. The last time was different; I was sitting, wounded, slowly fading away, and he held my face, so close to his, with a look of pure fear. I woke so suddenly, my heart was racing. The sun is rising. I walk out to my balcony and stare towards the woods, watching the sunrise. There is a faint voice in the air, I can hear it. 'Believe in me...' Very faintly, but beautifully, someone was singing. It's one of the few earthly gifts we've been given; sonic hearing. We can also feel emotions of the atmosphere, and of others. We feed off each other's emotions, making things even more tense then they need to be. We also have great agility, with great speed, strength, and instinct. We are very animalistic in this way, we act on instinct before thought, but perhaps this is our weakness.

There's a knock on the door. "Jayy? Are you awake?" It was Jeffree, with his makeup already perfectly applied and wearing high heels.

"Yeah, come in."

"Did I ever tell you how sexy you look with bed head?"

I chuckled, "Let me go comb it."

I started to walk towards the bathroom, but he grabbed my wrist, "No, I said it was sexy..."

Then I saw the lust in his eyes, he was staring at my lips, and brushing his hands against my bare chest. "Feeling frisky this morning?"

"Well I sensed you weren't sleeping well, so I thought I'd come comfort you." He put his hand behind my ear and kissed me, his hands began exploring my body. "Don't you like a bitch with heels in bed?"

"You know I do, Queen Bitch."

He kissed me again and pulled me to my bed by the wrists, pulling me on top of him. "Do you think angels have sex?" I asked him.

"I don't know, why would you ever wanna fuck one?"

"I don't know, it was just a thought," I said with a chuckle.

"Sex is a demon's favorite past time, you'll never be satisfied by an angel." He kissed me again and started taking off my clothes. Maybe this will take my mind off of that nameless angel... Nope. Instead I think I'll just pretend that Jeffree is my angel.

Wow, that felt so weird, I can't even put a name to the face, but I'm falling for it more each night. I sense danger, if I ever do meet this face, it will not turn out well. My friends will execute us both. Maybe involve torture... But for now, can't I just imagine what it would be like to kiss those voluptuous lips?

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