Vamp~ Chapter 3

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Camila opened her tightly closed eyes to see Mr.Welks, principal of South Miami High School, glaring down at both her and the dark clothed girl standing next to her. She swallowed hard, nervous for whatever inevitable punishment was yet to come.

"Um hello, Lauren? Camila? I don't have all day here... what are you two doing in these halls?" Mr Welks snapped while glaring at the two girls. His hard gaze shooting daggers at them.

As soon as the name rolled off his tongue, Camilas heart fluttered rapidly. She didn't care anymore about how much trouble she was in. She knew her name now. Her name was Lauren.

"W-well I can explain sir" Camila swallowed. "I ran into... Lauren here and well uh her stuff kinda went everywhere so I helped her out."

Camila looked away from the unremitting glare from the older man in front of her and instead turned to look at Lauren. Her eyes were firmly fixed on the ground, looking at her black combat boots with her bottom lip gripped in between her teeth nervously. She only looked up for a second when she saw Mr. Welks step closer to her and cross his arms in front of his chest.

"Lauren, is this true?" the grey haired man sighed.

The dark haired girl shook her head up and down. Mr. Welks nodded his head in understanding and sighed again loudly. "Okay. I'll let you two off the hook this time, but if I see either one of you in the halls after that bell rings, you'll have a nice warm seat open in detention. Got it?" He said coldly, placing both hands on his hips.

Both Camila and Lauren nodded there heads in unison, afraid to say anything more to the strict principal lecturing them.

"Now get to class Cabello and you too Jauregui." Mr. Welks instructed while flattening his tie back down and pointing his chin up in dominance.

Camila never dug this guy as a principal. He would always crack down on kids for the littlest things like gum chewing and even the slightest of hand holding in the halls. No wonder why his hair line was receding, this guy was a total dick head but Camila was not about to tell him that. Instead she just nodded her head again in understanding.

"Yes Mr.Welks. I-it won't happen again." Camila squeaked.

He then turned on his heel sharply. Rounding the same corner Lauren and Camila collided at with ease, his leather loafers squeaking with each step. Once Camila was for certain he was gone, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Well that was clo-" Camila started but slowly stopped once she realized that Lauren was no longer there.

Camilas mouth turned down a little in a frown. She didn't even get to introduce herself to Lauren nor get to take another glance at those oh so captivating eyes. But dang that girl was fast. She raised her arm lightly and sniffed. Well it wasn't cause she smelled bad.

Camila would be lying if she said she wasn't dazed and utterly confused about the girl whom she just collided with in the hallway. Her dark look and bright eyes made Camila wonder if maybe she was falling for this girl just by a first glance. Maybe she could hunt her down and try again to talk to her . That's only if Lauren would even give her the time of day.

Her frown then slowly but surely curved up into a small little smile at the realization that she now knows the full name of this mysterious student.

Her name is Lauren.

Lauren Jauregui.


4 hours later

Camilas day rolled by pretty quickly. It was almost the middle of the school day actually. Normally school days never went by this fast, but Camila was still distracted by the thought of Lauren.

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