chapter 1: welcome to UA

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Years went on since Nana had adopted the two siblings. During breakfast, Shimura asked her new kids if they wanted to be heroes. The two siblings looked at each other and gave her their answer.

Josh: as much as we want to but being heroes is something of being popular with the citizens.

Akiza: I'm with Josh on this, being heroes is like a popularity contest of being the top. We're not interested in a popularity contest.

Shimura: (concern) you're not interested in becoming heroes?

Josh: we are. All we're saying is as long as we get the job done right, it won't matter.

Shimura: I was worried about that for a moment there. Cause if you didn't want to be heroes, I wouldn't have told the principle about you two.

Akiza: does that mean?

Shimura: I've been accepted as a teacher and filled in the normal enrolment forms for the two of you.

Josh: What about the entrance exams?

Shimura: (Starts to clean up the table) you don't have to take part in any of the exams, Recommendations or the entrance. (Thinks) not only myself to start with a new career but my former student is also working at UA. (Normal) let's get down to training.

After breakfast, Josh and Akiza started their training session with their adopted mother. Nana was overseeing their session as usual from pulling weights to bench press. Ten months later, Josh and his sister have started their first day at UA. While they were looking for their classroom, Akiza notices that her brother was not paying attention as he was chatting with her.

Akiza: uh Josh? You might want to watch where you’re going.

Josh: What do- oof!

?: ow.

After bumping into a girl with black, spiky ponytail. Josh instantly apologies for bumping into her as he helps her up from the ground.

Josh: Sorry about that.

?: it's alright. I haven't seen you two before, are you siblings?

Akiza: That's right. I'm Akiza Erwin-Shimura and this clumsy fellow is my brother, Josh. (Slides up to the girl with the black, spiky ponytail) bear in mind that he can be overprotective from time to time.

?: it's nice to meet you. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu.

Josh: which class are you in?

Yaoyorozu: 1-A. You?

Akiza: same as you.

Yaoyorozu: amazing. Want to get to know one another while we find our classroom?

Akiza: we don't mind.

As they walked to their classroom, the siblings and Yaoyorozu had became fast friends. Josh told her about their quirks which made her intrigued. Eventually, they reached a classroom with a very large door with the classroom number: 1-A. Once entered, they took their seats beside each other.

Akiza: (uses her quirk to create a rose) I wonder what our home room teacher is like.

?: (approaching Akiza) what's with the rose on your desk?!

Akiza: (looks at the student with blue hair and glasses) huh? Can I help you?

Glasses: can you remove the rose from your desk? I don’t think that our upper classmen will appreciate it.

Akiza: yeah, I don’t think that's possible as my quirk makes roses appear, permanent.

Glasses: I see. Anyway, I'm Tenya Iida.

Akiza: names Akiza Erwin-Shimura. Nice to meet you. (Leans forward against her desk) by the way, I suggest that you better be nice with me.

Iida: why?

Akiza: because my dear brother can be overprotective.

She pointed in the direction of her brother whose on his phone looking through some photos from various of events with himself, Akiza and their adopted mother. A female student with earphone jacks poked his shoulder to get his attention.

Josh: yes?

?: hi, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kyoka Jiro.

Josh: It's nice to meet you, I'm Josh Erwin-Shimura.

Jiro: by Shimura, do you mean Mighty Heroine?

Josh: yea. She's our mother. Well, she adopted us as her kids.

Jiro: adopted? Are you and Akiza orphans?

Josh: yea. I've promised our parents that I would protect her.

During their chat, Iida was trying to scold another classmate as a green hair boy arrived. Iida approaches him as he chopping the air.

Iida: (approaches the green hair boy) I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is—

Green hair boy: Yeah, I know. It's nice to meet you, my name is Izuku Midoriya.

The two boys chat as a girl with brown hair arrives. She recognises Midoriya from the entrance exams then the three were interrupted by a sleepy looking teacher in a sleeping bag.

?: if you're here to make friends, then you can pack up your things.

The teacher exists his sleeping bag and introduces himself as Shota Aizawa.

The next chapter: Apprehension test

the Mandalorian and the creator (oc X Yaoyorozu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora