chapter 11: the Calvary battle

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- Before Present Mic begins the count down -
Afterwards, he was asked to join Shoto's team during the Calvary battle. Josh and Shoto are having a chat as they went to find Yaoyorozu and Iida.

Josh: Just to confirm, you want me to be both your flames and our left? Why?

Shoto: I've made myself a promise a long time ago. Whenever I'm in battle, I never use my flames.

Josh: But isn't it a part of your quirk? Both fire and ice?

Shoto: I wasn't finished. (Clears throat) If I do use my flames (glares in the direction of the number two hero), my old man will win by being what he wants me to be. But I refuse to be his tool.

Josh: I understand now. (Thinks) Since my mother's retirement from being the number one and All-Might being the top, the number two has been obsessed with taking All-Might from the top. Honestly, that's something a villain would do.

After the pair found Yaoyorozu and Iida, they formed a team of four. Yaoyorozu creates a pair of roller skates.

Momo: Would you like a pair, Josh?

Josh: No, thanks.

After he declines her offer, Josh transforms his feet into wheels. Yaoyorozu and the other two were a little unsure if Josh could even stand, but they understood. With the teams formed, Present Mic starts the countdown.

Present Mic: (over speaker) Ready? Go!

After that, the teams started to collect the headbands. Outside of the coliseum, a rookie hero called Mount Lady is watching the screen above an entrance as her fellow hero came over.

?: thinking of sending a recommendation for the fellow with wheels as feet?

Mt Lady: You can say that, Kamui.

Kamui Woods: Let's get back to work.

Back in the coliseum, everyone continued with the round. So far, a team of Class 1-B is in the lead. Nearly halfway through the second round, Team Todoroki came face to face with Midoriya's team.

Present Mic: (over arena speakers) we've reached the halfway point of the game! Let's have a look at the leader board!

The leader board came up most of Class 1-A wasn't doing so well. Even Bakugo's team wasn't doing very well. Down in the arena, Midoriya and Todoroki's teams came face to face.

Momo: (Turns to Josh) Isn't that Akiza in Midoriya's team?

Josh: Don't worry about it too much, Momo.

Todoroki: I'll be taking your million points now, Midoriya.

Josh notices that Kaminari and his team weren't too far. Todoroki asked Momo to create an anti electric sheet for protection. Iida got his teammate's attention.

Iida: Everyone. What I'm gonna do is something that'll make me useless to you.

Josh: What are you talking about, Iida?

Iida didn't say anything to Josh as he asked the three of them to brace themselves. Suddenly, Iida's engines roar into life and go into overload. This caught Josh by surprise as he held on tight, and Todoroki got the million points from Midoriya's team, who were surprised as well.

Shoto: Iida, what was that?

Iida: Forced my torque and RPM into overdrive, which gave me explosive power! Unfortunately, the recoil stalls my engines for a while. It's a secret move I've been saving.

Josh: So, no one in our class knew about it then?

Iida: That's right. (Looks towards Midoriya and his team) I told you Midoriya. that I'd do my best to beat you.

After the impressive performance from Todoroki's team, they were in the lead. During the final minutes of the second round, Midoriya attempts to retake the million points, which forced Todoroki to use his left side.

Josh: Hey! You nearly got my hair with your fire!

Todoroki: (thinks) my left side?! What am I doing?

Iida: Watch out for Josh when you're using your flames, Todoroki.

Present Mic started the countdown of the Calvary battle as Midoriya got seventy points. At the end of the second round, Tokoyami snagged the headband from Todoroki's head. The four/five teams have made it to the finals.

The next chapter: preparing for the final rounds.

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