chapter 4: class rep/ Crowd control

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As the week progressed without a hitch, News of All-Might starting a new job took the nation by storm. About halfway through the week, the siblings and Shimura are currently on their way to the academy for the day. Akiza notices that Josh was being uneasy about something.

Akiza: Josh? You seem uneasy.

Josh: I do? It's just that there's something that will happen if we're not careful.

Akiza: I'm going to guess that it's something to do with them.

Josh: With whom?

Akiza pointed towards a large crowd of people with cameras and microphones. which means one thing, the press.

Josh: (annoyed) Oh great.

The two tried to get through the press, but they were stopped by a couple of news reporters in hopes of having a quick interview with them. Josh didn't have time for their questions as he waited for his sister.

Akiza: I'll answer one question only.

Female reporter: one question? That's all?

Akiza: Yes. my brother and I need to get to class, so hurry it up. You're wasting our time.

Female reporter: Oh, ok. What's it like having the number one hero being a teacher of UA?

Akiza: it's alright. Can you excuse me please, I need to get to class.

After answering the question, Akiza joined her brother as they walked to their classroom. During the home room, Aizawa announced something that is school based: selecting a class representative and a vice representative.

Iida: I would like to suggest that we would hold an election to determine our representatives!

Akiza: An election? Are you sure?

Iida: Of course!

After the election of the representatives, Josh had received five votes, and Yaoyorozu had received four. Surprised to learn that he was elected as class rep, Josh is now standing next to his friend at the front.

Bakugo: (angrily) Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?!

Kirishima: What? Do you think we'll vote for you as a class rep?

Kaminari: Yeah. Josh is obviously one of the best options as he's usually calm during combat training.

Aizawa: Okay, our representative is Josh Erwin-Shimura, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu.

The two friends wished each other luck with their duties as representatives. At lunch, Josh and Yaoyorozu devise a plan in case of not being able to perform their duties. Akiza overhears something from Midoriya's table and sees that Iida is explaining about a pro hero called Ingenium.

Akiza: (thinks) is it possible that Ingenium saved me from an accident last year?

Suddenly, the alarm went off, and the students started to panic. Stampeding towards the exit, everyone started to feel squished against each other.

Josh: Can't everyone just calm down? (Feels squashed) ack!

He heard from a familiar friend as she was getting pushed along the crowd. Josh was also pushed against the window beside Iida.

Iida: Who in the world could've trespassed onto campus grounds? (Sees the media outside), huh?

Josh: What's up?

Iida: it's....the press from this morning.

Josh: Seriously? *sighs in disappointment* Can't those people get a break?

Iida came with an idea to get everyone's attention and asked Josh to get him to stand on his shoulders. Josh had a better idea and got Ochacuo to get him to float towards the exit. Sometime later, back in class.

Yaoyorozu: Are you ready, Josh?

Josh: Of course. During lunch before the stampede caused by the panic of the media, Yaoyorozu and I have come up with a good plan in case if either myself or my deputy can't perform our duties as reps

Yaoyorozu: we've decided to allow a couple of our classmates to be acting representatives. But only if Josh or I won't be here. For my backup deputy, I've chosen Jiro.

Jiro: Huh?! Are you sure?

Josh: It's an idea. (To Aizawa) What do you think, Sir?

Aizawa: I don't mind.

Josh: As for my backup. due to his best effort during the chaos, I've decided to have Iida to be my backup.

Iida was surprised as well. Josh reminded him that he would be a backup only, which meant that he won't try to take Josh's role. Moving on to officers of the class, Josh had assigned Iida as the dispensary officer for a reason.

The next chapter: USJ

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