chapter 6: USJ (part 2)

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Continuing from the previous chapter
With his weapon and face plate appeared, Josh notices that his home room teacher puts on his goggles.

Aizawa: I take it that you already know how to fight against Villians in the past?

Josh: More or less. Akiza, I would like you to remain back with our classmates.

Akiza: Huh?! Josh, we usually fight side by side, especially if you need my secret weapon.

Josh: I know, sis. I trust you enough to protect them. So please don't hesitate to give it your all in protecting our friends and teachers.

Akiza clinches her fist, knowing that Josh is right. Before he could join Aizawa in fighting against low-level villains and enemies, Josh sent an S.O.S. to some secret allies for help. The two main villains started to have a chat about something.

?1: Shigaraki, I can see that Eraser Head and Thirteen are the ones present. I don't see either All-Might or Mighty Heroine anywhere.

Shigaraki: So where are they? I went all the trouble of bringing so many friends eager to meet them. (Starts to scratch himself, lightly) If we kill some of these kids, they'll bound to show up.

Back at the base of the staircase towards the entrance, a couple of low-level villains started to get worried when they came face to face with Josh as he raised his curved sword.

?: Hey, isn't that the villain destroyer?

?2: Of course, you idiot!

?3: Dammit, if we knew that he and his sister were here. They'd destroy us in an instant.

Josh clashed with the front three and instantly crushed them without breaking a sweat. Aizawa uses his quirk to defeat some more of the low-level villains.

Aizawa: Which one of you gutter punks is next to be defeated?

With the class, Her classmates watched in awe as Josh and Aizawa easily defeated some of the villains. Suddenly, the mist villain appeared in front of her friends.

Misty villain: It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might and Mighty Heroine to breathe their last?

Akiza: (rose prickle Cannon form) I will not allow you to kill my mother, you Bastard! (Grips her rose weapon) Rose thorn cannon!

Before she shot out sharp thorns from her weapon at the misty villain, Kirishima and Bakugo attacked him, and most of the class were transported all over the USJ. Akiza charges her weapon as she aims it at the misty villain. She fires it. As the projectile phased through the villain, it destroyed the door. At UA, Shimura and All-Might are resting in the teacher's lounge.

All-Might: (lowers his phone) I can't get through to Aizawa or Thirteen. Can you get through to your kids, mentor?

Shimura: No. Something isn't right. I'm kinda worried about them.

All-Might transforms into his buffed form as he is about to leave. Before he could, the principal of UA, Nezu, stops him from leaving.

Nezu: Hold your horses, you two.

After Nezu entered the faculty office, Shimura and All-Might had to get a lecture about what it takes to be a teacher. Back at the USJ, nearly all the villains were defeated. Josh was told to return to the other students by Aizawa as Shigaraki nearly used a devastating quirk on Josh's face plate but was kicked in the chest, forcing him back.

Shigaraki: Not bad, kid. You've definitely been trained by that scum for a hero. I wonder how she would react when she saw one of her adopted kids die?

Josh didn't say anything as he summons a unique weapon known as a riot cannon. He takes aim and fires right as Akiza allows Iida to escape from the USJ.

Kirogiri: (Iida running towards UA) He's going to call for backup. It's over....

The next chapter: Rise of the Black Rose Dragon

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