388: Bad Crow (1)

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Chapter 388: Bad Crow (1)

[Master... are you alright?]

'A little annoyed, but otherwise fine.'

Neji and Sisty exchanged a few words via their mental connection, amidst class. Sisty was always in his head, so she had watched the entire scene unfold during the lunch break. She asked about his well-being only now, knowing he wasn't all right before.

Neji was certainly frustrated by this. It was almost as if he was being mocked. He has been searching for Kimi since the start, yet there was no development.

It was more frustrating than ever now, as he truly wished to see her. Nothing was going right; in this situation, the only way he could feel relaxed was if he could rest his head on her shoulder. She was not just his lover, after all, she was an aunt, an older sister, and finally a maid who took care of everything.

Yet, the closest thing to her that he found was that Yokai, who appeared to be nothing more than a mere mocking imitation of her. Neji knew that it was a stupid way to see things, but he didn't care right now.

Was Kimi truly in this world?

Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't. But at least he wished it was Nejire who was in this world, in that case. If he missed anyone after Kimi, or arguably as much as her, it would be his older sister. He wasn't worried about Nejire Hado's state, he had given her copies of a lot of his quirks, so she should be fine anywhere, so he didn't think much about her, but he did miss her too.

"Hey, Mistress Death,"

Neji wasn't sure why, but he called that woman in the middle of taking a class. All the students blinked, confused, but in his stead, Sisty put them under a temporary Genjutsu to make them ignore the scene.

"I know you said you won't tell me who is in this world... But can you at least confirm that there is indeed someone here?"

There was a reason why he asked that in particular. While Yuhei's existence was very frustrating to him, he wasn't slow to realize that she was the most likely candidate for Kimi to replace if she was in this world. So that could mean that Kimi was supposed to replace Yuhei, but something stopped her and so she wasn't in this world. There was also the possibility that Kimi just replaced someone else, or that the girl in this world was someone else entirely, but that's why he asked Death to be sure if there was anybody in this world at all.

Mistress Death wasn't Lady Luck, who had made him his agent. Lady Luck could talk in his head for that reason, but that was not the case with this being. So, her reply was in the form of a message.

[Entity Mistress Death comments, 'Oh my, how demanding, despite the fact that I had clearly refrained from answering a similar question earlier. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Yes, no worries, I can confirm that one of your remaining three girls is indeed in this world. They are alive in this world right now, as we speak.']

So someone was here. If it's Kimi but not in the body of Yuhei, then perhaps was she in the form of Grayfia Lucifuge? He could think of no similarities other than the fact that both of them were maids, but that could not be enough. So who, exactly?

Regardless, Neji appreciated the confirmation.

"Thank you."

He gave a curt nod at the air and snapped his finger, breaking the Genjutsu that Sisty has cast on the students, returning back to the class.

All of this was still frustrating, but now he was sure that someone was here for real. As for who... only time shall tell.

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