446: The Egyptian Pantheon

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Chapter 446: The Egyptian Pantheon

In the City of Giza in Egypt, where the three great pyramids stood tall, heaven had descended on earth.

Only the Egypt Pantheon had fully come down to Earth. Using the pyramids and its great history as an anchor, the main Realm of the Egyptian Gods was now in Giza.

High walls were surrounding the area, to block anyone unwanted, though the sky was left open. But massive Ibis birds were flying in the skies, ready to attack anyone who'd try to invade the area.

"They're cute," Ozymandias of the Rider Class said with a smile as she ruffled the feathers of one of the birds that surrounded Neji's group.

"They look weird," Momo shook her head while Neji just shrugged.

Ozymandias shrugged along with him. "I suppose it wouldn't suit the taste of a great phoenix such as you, sweetheart. Speaking of suiting things, I can't believe I'm doing this right now."

"Doing what?" Momo asked, making Neji clear his throat.

"I think she means the part where she is teaming up with the God of Christianity who is by extension the God of Judaism. She has a history with Moses, you know?" Neji said, making Ozymandias smile.

"I'm glad you know," she said, tilting her head and looking at him with elegant eyes.

"Yeah. My memory reminds me of the Ozymandias of this world, too. However, the story is a bit different from your world. In Fate, from what I remember..." Neji began to chant it for Momo to know.

Ozymandias – the male one – was the greatest hero of ancient Egypt and the third Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He was friends with Moses in his life and held a special place in his heart for one of his wives, Nefertari. However, their friendship was put to the test when Moses became the prophet of the Hebrews and began to preach the teachings of God, denouncing the gods of Egypt.

When Moses told him to free the Hebrews, Ozymandias refused. So the Ten Plagues of Egypt were triggered. If not for the might of the Egyptian gods and himself, Ozymandias believed that Egypt would have been destroyed. He finally agreed with Moses' request when his and Nefertari's firstborn son was killed by the final plague.

That's Ozymandias, Ramesses II.

The most infamous Pharaoh who opposed Moses, who went against the Big God, was now here beside the exact God and against her home country of Egypt.

"Ah. Uh-huh, so she's Ramesses?" Momo blinked and looked at Neji. "Did you two sleep together? Ah wait, who am I asking? Neji, you slept with Ramesses."

Neji cleared his throat and looked away while Ozy giggled. "What an irony. I never would have guessed he'd end up becoming GOD. I don't want to go against Egypt, even if this isn't my world, but here we are. Time does change a person."

"I'm pretty sure you just succumbed to his manhood," Momo said with a tilt of her head, making Ozymandias frown slightly.

"O' King of the Heroes, your girlfriend seems a bit jealous. She should understand a King such as yourself ought to bed with many women." Ozymandias said, making Momo scoff. Neji didn't say anything.

He expected Momo to act moody after seeing him with so many new women. Just as Rumi had been mad, he expected her to be mad too – that he was having fun while she was suffering alone. But Momo wasn't mad, though slightly irritated towards the newer girls. Thankfully, someone like Ozy didn't let that get under her skin, she rather found that cute - if Neji had to guess.

"Girls, can we go inside already," Neji cut off the conversation by pointing toward the pyramids. "They must have sensed us by now. Let's go in."

"Fine with me," Ozymandias nodded. "I am eager to meet my father in this world."

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