482: Clash of Celestials

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Chapter 482: Clash of Celestials

The evolution was complete. In his new, majestic form, he hovered outside the Temple of Equilibrium, as a cosmic entity imbued with the essence of the universe.

However, he was immobile. His eyes saw everything in this realm, but he couldn't move. He was wondering why. His newly attained form of cosmic grandeur and draconic majesty failed to respond to his will.

To aid his understanding, the Gamer System flickered a prompt into his view. A holographic message floated before his star-filled eyes.

[The Celestialsapien evolution is done. As per its effect, two additional personalities are attempting to manifest within your sea of consciousness. Sisty is busy destroying them. Please wait.]

A surge of frustration should have welled up within him, but it didn't. His emotions felt strangely distant, he was unsure if it was a side effect of the transformation or the new personalities trying to emerge. To his mind, the vast expanse of the cosmos he now embodied felt... bland.

However, he wasn't allowed to wait In peace. As the Will of the Omniverse had warned him, he had enemies now. That must be why it had sent him out of the hut, as the enemies might have attacked the hut if he stayed in there. In the distance, the enemy, the Mother Celestialsapien whose baby Neji has just sacrificed, lowered her arms.

She has just moved. For the first time in eons. Her decision was made.

A more optimistic outcome would have been if she began to see him as her son. But optimism hasn't ever been Neji's good friend.

Her head slowly turned toward him, and then she blurred. Like a comet streaking through space, she charged towards Neji. Her movement was a graceful and elegant yet ferociously ballet across the cosmos.

— Ghhing!

The air made a sound that Neji couldn't hear before. His newly evolved senses let him feel the tear in space and time by the mere movements of the mother.

As she approached, Neji grew nervous. He was unable to move, in front of a being that could erase him with a thought. Then again, could she do that to the current him? These beings, capable of altering reality with a mere thought, should be equal to him in power. So their directly harming powers shouldn't work on each other.

Could they simply erase each other from existence, or was a physical confrontation necessary? Probably the second. Otherwise the mother had no reason to fly here, she could have just thought him erased and he'd be gone.

As Anodi has explained earlier, when two same-dimensional entities fight against one another, they're like human boxers. Their reality-defying power doesn't influence each other as much.

Still, it's not as if it wouldn't hurt. The Mother's fist connected with Neji's face, a collision of cosmic forces. Neji was sent cutting through the air like a meteor.

He was sure he didn't have any form of pain receptor left, but here he was, his jaw hurt like hell. She could kill him if he was unable to move for too long.

Another punch came, just about to land on where his nose used to be. But at that precise moment, a system prompt flashed.

[The emergent personalities have been resolved. Sisty says there isn't enough space for more of us in your head.]

"...Hahaha," that made him laugh a little.

In a fluid motion, as if time itself had bent to his will, Neji's arm rose, effortlessly blocking the Mother's powerful strike.

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