399: Someone Special

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Chapter 399: Someone Special

Neji sometimes slipped and said stuff that wasn't very conventional in this world's setting. Referring to a high-school girl as "mongrel" was a pretty weird thing to do.

Sadly, it was inevitable. As powers came with his possession of Neji Hyuga and King Gilgamesh, the memories came too – memories of a subtly modified reality where the possessed character had lived a life suitable to his personality, but memories all the same. Some habits die hard, and sometimes slight characteristics flare up abruptly – Neji could do nothing to stop that.

Internally shaking his head, he stopped behind the girl in front of a door. Even from the outside, it managed to look better than the Principal's office. Tsubaki knocked and was promptly allowed permission.

"Come in."

Opening the door, Tsubaki stepped in, as did Neji, while the door closed itself. Neji didn't pay that much attention and instead looked ahead. A low table was in the center of the room, and two large couches stood on either side of it. Sona was sitting on one of the couches, and to his surprise, Rias was present there too – sitting right beside Sona.

Neji also located Akeno who was standing behind Rias, soon joined by Tsubaki who chose to stand behind Sona. Other than them, he couldn't see anyone else present in the room, unlike last time. Whatever they planned to talk about with him, they were unsure if all of their peerage members should know about it.

The other couch was empty. Sona spent a glance to look at his new look, and then she gestured towards it. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, please take a seat."

"No big deal. It's amusing to interact with you devils, after spending most of my time around normal humans."

Neji sat down, his eyes flickering towards Rias to give her a smile. The redhead tried not to react, but her lips twitched as she blushed and looked to the side. Giving her queen a look, Neji was perplexed by the intent confusing glare she was shooting at him. She didn't seem to be... hating on him, but just out of her mind instead. That was odd, given how she had been for the past few days. What changed?

"Is this related to the incident this morning?"

"Barely. We have been wanting to talk to you for a while now, and this incident just allowed the perfect opportunity. I must thank you for saving Reya, she is an important piece of my peerage, a very close friend."

To Neji's surprise, Sona bowed a little. His surprise only grew when she flinched and then coughed in that position, straightening immediately and looking around. He instantly understood what had happened though, she was punished for bowing to "God" as even taking the name granted them pain.

Still, she was confused about what had happened, so she just apologized to Neji. Neji pretended to be oblivious and played along. At the same time, his brain was busy thinking about how to push this situation to play a game of chess with her – as he planned to last night.

"If it's not too much to ask, may I know if you were approached by any faction to join them? Or if you've already been part of one. My apologies, but I'm not very knowledgeable about Kunlun's circumstances."

Neji was looking around the room, and his "mountain boy" background let him get away with it as he considered her words. After noticing what he was looking for, he spoke while staring at the chessboard folded on a shelf to the side.

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