Zdravei, Katerina!

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Hey guys! I am back! the past couple of months have been really hectic and I hope things settle down at least for a while. Thank you for all the love and support <3


Tori lay in bed whilst staring at her phone with her eyes squinting in hopes somehow magically a text would appear. "Urgh!!" Tori yelled out in frustration. It had been three days since she was at her dad's place, and everyone in mystic falls was ignoring her text messages and calls, apart from Elijah, who never failed to send her a good morning text and a good night text, reassuring her that everyone she cares about was safe.

Caroline had ditched Tori at the last second stating she couldn't go through with seeing their father because she was too afraid that he would kill her if he knew she was a vampire. Tori planned to cancel the trip to her dad's place but after hearing how excited he was she couldn't imagine squashing his happiness plus Bill was already upset that Caroline had canceled and Tori didn't want to make her father sad.

It was a 5-hour drive but Tori was glad she had some alone time, especially with the amount of chaos that she had to deal with the past couple of months, it was nice to get a break, but deep down she knew it was too good to be true. She had asked Elijah to keep her updated on what was happening at mystic falls cause she knew Damon wouldn't tell her anything. Speaking of Elijah, Tori couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. He had called her the second she texted him telling him about the trip to her dad's, He had even offered to drive her but Tori had declined but promised to keep in contact with him during her time away.

Tori would receive a text from Elijah, every day, one in the morning and one in the evening, his texts never revolved around anything supernatural, in fact, they would be simple Good morning and 'How are you?' Texts which gave her a sense of normalcy in her supernatural-filled world.

Tori's thoughts were interrupted when her dad knocked on the door "Hey, kiddo! Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, okay?" Bill told his daughter

"Oh, whatcha making?!" Tori asked her father excitedly. Bill laughed at Tori's expression, he had missed his daughter terribly, and having her here with him made him feel like it was perfect, well almost, he had hoped Caroline would be here too but she had pulled out of the plan just before she was supposed to leave to his house.

"It's a surprise, and you will find out only when you are called downstairs when the food is ready," Bill told his daughter

"Ugh, fine," Tori said scrunching her nose and making Bill laugh.

Tori lay back on her bed thinking about how much she had missed her dad. When she reached her dad's house and saw him, that's when she realized how much she had missed her father. She burst into tears the second she stepped out of her car, overcome with every emotion. For months she had been forced to rescue and help with the supernatural and now, with her dad she was normal, or as close to normal as she could get to.

The first two days, Tori spent most of her time with her father and his boyfriend, they spent time watching movies and going to the carnival. It had been three days and Caroline had called her sister to check on her, and so did Damon. Tori appreciated Damon's call and for the first time, she had felt Damon behave like a father and not like Elena's little puppy that commanded Tori to solve all their problems.

Tori's thoughts were interrupted when she got a message from Elijah, a sudden smile appeared on her face as she read the text.

Good night, Tori. I know it's rather early for the message but I have been invited for dinner by your friend Jenna and it seems Damon, too. I believe that there is some ulterior motive to this said dinner. However, I will let you know how it goes.

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