next day after Richard's birthday

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Richard woke up with a severe hangover around ten in the morning and had no idea how he got home. The first thing on his mind was where is Paul..

Gosh.. my head.. Paul??? Hey Paul??

But Paul didn't answer and Richard got a feeling of anxiety out of nowhere.. but he remembered Paul's letter he got from him on his birthday.He immediately began looking for it in his rifle pockets and found it and immediately opened it and began to read.

Dear Richard

My dear prince of darkness
You are my dear friend and with you I feel that there is nothing missing in my life. You are mine and only mine.. You know there's a spark between us, can't you feel it? But I'm afraid that you don't feel the same way... we've been colleagues at work and best friends for many years, but I wanna kiss your lips, brush your black hair.. I feel happy with you, I want to feel you by my side Richard.. I already miss you..


Richard stared at the letter with his mouth wide open..

Paulie.. i didn't know that you like me that much.. I don't know if it's a good idea.. I'm not gay.. Oh Paul..*said Richard sadly*

After a while, a surprised Richard went to have breakfast and got dressed, even though he was still hungover, he managed it perfectly.

I have to call Paul.. shit where Is my phone.. Richard looked at the table and surprisingly it was lying there, he picked it up and called Paul.

"Hey Richard how are you, do you need something? I won't let you drink so much after last night"

"Paul.. I'm fine I need to meet you can you come? I have something to tell you personally.."Richard said it almost without emotion, but he wanted to cry for fear of losing a good friend*

"Of course my friend" Paul sounded so happy but He don't know about Richard's reaction..

"Okay for now bye" Richard hung up and didn't even let Paul say goodbye

Right after that he cried on his bed, put his head in his hands and just cried like a little boy..After some time Paul arrived and the Bell rang Richard went to open the door.

Hallo Paul.. I.. I'm so sorry..
Richie what's going on? Why do you cry?
I read your letter Paul..I really appreciate every word. What you wrote me, I like you very much.. But i'm not gay..

Paul looked at him sadly..

That's okay Richie.. Its okay.. We can still be friends, can we?
Of course Paulie*Richard hug him tight*
Richard smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the lips.

Paul was surprised but very happy, he hugged Richard and said thank you Rich<3

After some time spent together talking about the two of them about work and riffs, Richard told Paul that he would like to see him again sometime but for now he would go for a walk by himself. Paul looked at him and told him
" well I'd better go right away" as Richard was looking at him in the doorway he thought of giving him a kiss which they were both secretly waiting for but Richard didn't get the courage and Paul left saddly.

Richard went for a walk to his favorite spot on the hill where he liked to smoke.
As his car broke down, it took him 5 hours to get there, but he liked to walk and he needed to think about him and Paul.

I kissed Paul.. But it wasn't such a bad feeling.. I've always had a one-night stand with girls.. and I can talk to Paul for hours.. but I'm not gay after all.. or am I?? Nope, I'm not.

As he muttered to himself, he reached his destination, but someone had a car in his place..

Hey you bastard you can't park here, the parking lot is fifty meters awa-... Paul?
Please leave me alone *Paul said with tears*
But Paulie It's almost night and dark, what are you doing here?
I SAID GET LOST!!! Paul shouted at Richard with tears, but Reesh knew why he was like that.
Paulie can i sit next to you..?
Okay Paulie *Richard sat down on the floor next to Paul*
You know, Paul, I've had my heart broken before too, I know what it's like for you now. Its hard.. right?
Richard i just love you.. with all my heart.. that's all..
Paul, I love you too, but only as a friend, but I appreciate your every word and everything you do for me*Richard said with pride and encouragement in his voice*
Paulie do you want a cigarette? I would like to smoke with you, we have a beautiful view there..
"well Richie okay.."

After a few cigarettes and sitting in the warm June wind on the Hill, Richard offered Paul a night at his house And Paul said yes

Are you better now Paulie?
"Thank you for not leaving when I yelled at you.."
That's okay Paulie that's okay *Richard smiled*

Richard told Paul that he would drive so he could get some rest.After a three-hour drive to Richard's house, Paul fell asleep and Richard couldn't wake him up, so he took him in his arms and carried him into the house and straight to his bed.

Oh my boy i need find some shirt for you so you don't have to sleep in dirty clothes.

When he took off Paul's shirt to give him his old one, he noticed that it was a little too big for him. He even took off his jeans so he could sleep in only his boxers. When he changed his clothes it was after midnight and Richard had poured himself another glass of rum. When Richard finished his rum, he followed Paul into the bedroom. He slept there as if he were an innocent child.Richard downed the whole glass and went to get an old t-shirt too and was in boxers so Paul wouldn't feel embarrassed.

"Paulie look at you.. You are over 40 and you are still the best man i know.. Maybe I have feelings for you too.."

Richard whispered to him a little drunk but he still knew what he was doing and saying. Then he cuddle him and fell asleep like that until morning.

 Life of sadness 18+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin