It was the right decision..?

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The morning after the night that Richard spent with Paul, Schneider appeared in their room, but the boys were still asleep and naked in cuddle.

Schneider yelled to the whole room are you kidding!? Paul wake up Richard you too and now!

Richard and Paul were startled by their unexpected visit and both covered themselves with a blanket. But as Schneider shouted, all the members of the band came running to see what happened.

Richard: Schneider, please don't yell at us. *He said scared*

Paul secretly grabbed Richard's hand under the blanket

You guys are screwing up, do you know what noise you made yesterday??! What did that mean and why are you naked? *Schneider said*

Till also looked confused, only Flake knew what it was because Paul had often talked to him about it before.

Richard saw Paul's eyes glisten with tears of fear.

Well guys you have us but now please I would like to get dressed and Paul too, I will explain it to you another time okay?? Now go please. *Richard said confidently*

As the boys left Oliver stopped by Richard and whispered to him "So this is the love right? From what I heard this night you were able give it back very well" And he smiled at both of them. But then he left and closed the door for them.

Paul cried and put his head in his hands.

What if the band break up because of me now..? "What if I disappoint millions of our fans??.." *He whispered*

"Paulie don't cry I love you so much and the boys will understand and so will our true fans" *He smiled at Paul and gave him a long hug*

At that Paul gave Richard a kiss and asked him. "Richard.. about last night umm.. we were drunk and you're not gay.."

"Paulie I may have been drunk.. but I love you so much.. sometimes people make mistakes but this wasn't a mistake."

"Paul hugged Richard tightly and whispered thank you for you Richie."

After a few touching moments, a voice came from behind the door "so what about you lovers" it was probably Till who was making breakfast today.

"Were coming" *Paul yelled*

Richard got out of bed and handed Paul his shirt and trousers Paul got dressed and was the first to leave the room Richard followed right behind him.

Everyone was already sitting at the kitchen table with their breakfast, which was an omelet cooked by Till.
Everyone looked at Paul and Richard, waiting for what they would say.

So guys, I'd like last night not to be mentioned here. *At that Till laughed and said "you mean how you blew Paul's ass?" Paul was getting glassy-eyed again..

"That's enough Till, I just like Paul and he likes me... what's the matter"

"Well, I don't have a problem guys, do whatever you want but not that loud like this night" Till said with a laugh and Schneider joined him*

"Come on Till leave them alone." *said Flake*

Oliver saw Paul and his teary eyes and led him to his room. Paul followed Oliver.

Richard started arguing with Till and Schneider who made fun of them.

Meanwhile, Paul

"Oliver.. I was the first to confess my love to Richard.. I'm in love with him.. and now the band will break up because of it.." *Paul said sadly*

"Paul look.. I have nothing against it.. Richard came to me yesterday saying that someone loves him and that he is afraid that he can't give back the love." He loves you, you have him. Do not worry okay?" *He smiled*

Paul thanked Oliver and went back to Richard, but when he got to the kitchen he got a shock. Richard was lying unconscious on the ground and Till and Schneider were kneeling next to him.

"What happened!" *A frightened paul shouted*

"I'm sorry, Paul, I didn't want to, but he started" *Till said guiltily* "I was making fun of him and he punched me so I punched him too but maybe a little harder than I thought."

Paul took Richard around the waist and pulled him away with Till's help. Paul held Richards hand the whole time. After a while he noticed a bruise on Richard's side and on his head below his ear. Richard was lying on the couch and slowly opening his eyes.

"You bastards" *He whispered*

But Paul told him that everything was fine and that he had sorted it out with the boys. Richard closed his eyes and fell asleep. Paul went to Oliver and Flake to check on Richard. And he himself went to Till and Schneider.

"Guys, why does Richard have bruises on his side and under his ear. That wasn't one punch. You were fighting right?."*Paul sound so angry that Till start to apologize for his behavior*

Schneider also apologized and they both went to see Richard. But Richard still didn't wake up. Paul asked the boys if they would take him to his room And they did. Paul was sad because he caused it with his love for Richard.. Oliver and Till put Richard on the bed and told Paul that if he needed anything they would be downstairs.

"Ahh Reesh.. sorry..."Paul said with his head Down..

Richard took Paul's hand and quietly said "I love you."

Paul was glad that he was awake but told him to sleep, that he had been hit hard.
After a while, Paul continued to kiss Richard on the forehead and left to join the boys.

Hey guys, I love Richard, and I'd like you to respect that. I always liked him and always wanted him to like me. Nothing will change in the band so leave us alone okay? The boys looked at each other and apologized guiltily to Paul. It was already dark and the boys had a shower and dinner, Paul regularly went to watch Richard but hestill asleep because of the strong blow that Till gave him.

After dinner, the boys went to make a campfire again, but Paul wanted to be with Richard so he went to see him. Richard was still sleeping so Paul sat down next to him.

Richie.. I love you so much and I'm sorry for everything.. they will probably never accept us..

Richard whispered "Liebe ist für alle da.."

"You are awake?" *Paul said excitedly*

"Yes, for a while, I just have my eyes closed." And don't worry, they will accept us"

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