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Paul's pov :
"Oh, gosh... My head..„

Paul said to himself as he woke up with a hangover. Paul didn't know what time it was but he saw Richard lying next to him and he was completely white, probably Reesh had an even bigger hangover than himself.

Paul slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the clock that Richard had above the door.

"What the fuck.. its fucking 5am...?"

Paul was surprised that he got up so early but he felt sick and so he crawled into the bathroom and threw up there. He then lay there for a while before crawling back into the bedroom.

"Reesh... wake up.." *said Paul exhausted but Richard didn't even move

"Reeshee, common.. *Paul said desperately

"Reesh.. wake up finally..

"RICHARD get your ass of the bed!!"

Paul lost his patience because he felt sick And dizzy.

"What do you want... Ah.. my head.." *Richard whispered

"Where do you have Ibalgin.. I'm not the youngest anymore and the hangover probably won't go away by itself.." *Paul said

"probably on the table next to the bed and let me sleep otherwise I'll throw up on you" * Richard said seriously


Paul took a pill and went back to bed


Richards pov:

Richard slowly opened his eyes and saw that Paul was no longer next to him, he probably got up earlier.

"Paul...?" He said quietly and confused


Paul where are you man.. He said to himself, then sat up on the bed and groaned in pain

"OH fuck my head.. Paul!"

"Comming!" Paul yelled back

Richard layed back down on the bed and closed his eyes

"I am back Reesh * Paul said

Paul looked at lying Reesh, he was all white and warm

"Paul I think I am dying.. I feel horrible.. *Richard told Paul

" I think you just have a really bad hangover love* Paul smiled and gave Richard some painkillers

"Take it *Paul said

Richard swallowed the pill that Paul handed him and then he layed back on the bed, Paul sat next to him on his bed

"Please Paul let me sleep.. I think I will throw up soon.. can you bring me here a bucket or something?

"Sure* Paul responded and went for it

But Richard can't hold it no more and throw up next to bed. Paul returned in the meantime.

"Comom Reesh.. Who will clean it up.. yea me of course" * Paul said slightly annoyed because he still had a headache.

Richard didn't moved at all he just keep laying there, meanwhile Paul cleaned up the mess.


Richards pov
"Wake up Reesh we have a visit"

Richard began to slowly open his eyes but he just respond

"I don't care." And he closed his eyes again

"Wake up gay" * He heard Till's voice

"Don't call me like that you are gay too." * Richard responded with peace in his voice with eyes closed

 Life of sadness 18+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin